Originally Posted by LordCrash
Originally Posted by SirHewhostabs
But as of now, your leading origin doesnt matter. You can go between each companion and check each interaction back to back. Like i had some npcs hate my main guy but love my other companion so i only interact with that NPC through my companion. If that's gonna be how it works then might as well make it smoother.

I know but I think this system needs to be changed for obvious reasons. Either make only the main character be able to lead dialogues or at least make dialogues dynamic which means that NPCs should remember that they already talked to your party (no matter to which char) and refuse to talk to your party again about the very same matter.

And decision situation within the party will change anyway once the love and hate relationship system will be integrated. Once this system is integrated your companions will be AI-controlled in such decision situations (like it was in DOS1 for your second character).

All this. At the moment I actually prefer to play with only one character cause it feels weird having all the origin characters in one party acting like muppets to my whims. Takes away from my origin choices mattering