I really have to disagree with the direction of this conversation. If I pick up a nice two hander that had +1 magic skill/+other random mostly useless stat. I don't care. It's and individual item. It wasn't 'custom made' for your character. It should not be perfect. It's also bull that everyone claims that a single poorly rolled stat makes your gear useless. Useless gear, or an upgrade which isn't perfectly suited to you is charming and fun in a SP RPG game. Seriously is your confidence so low in your abilities that you'll fail the game if your little computer character has to use substandard items for 10 hours? In D:OS and so far in this game there are ways to work around it if you want to go each level with maximized loot. But if you're min maxing your character at each stage to complete this game you really need to step out of the WoW mindset. This isn't a competitive multiplayer game, the concept of BiS should not exist for your characters. There should be no guide inline that tells you the steps to go through to get a piece of gear that beats all others. Just the fact that people are mentioning BiS is disgusting, BiS is a multiplayer concept! Give it up for your single player campaign. My favorite memories of rpg games involve items my character wasn't made to use, at levels my character was not supposed to be optimized. WoW shamans wearing a turtle shield because it worked at the time. A dual wielder using a two hander for a few levels because its a sick two hander. The point where games get boring is when you have the same loot for the same set up as the next guy.

Last edited by Surrealialis; 25/09/16 01:50 PM.