Joined: Sep 2016
I don't know if this is intensional, but when holding left mouse button to move somewhere, it lags for a moment then starts moving. I think it would be much more natural if char moved as soon as left btn is clicked or holded instead of moving only when clicked.
Joined: Sep 2016
Hey guys! First off, awesome game so far. Not very buggy at all from what I can tell! Also I'd like to add that I'm a 21:9 user with a resolution of 3440x1440 and want to say the game supports it pretty well so far! Only issue is the in-game UI and how it anchors to the left. Feel like it could be centered instead or maybe have the option to have it anchor either left, right, or center and put the chat box in the empty space instead of above the bottom UI panel. Also my lizard girl gets her head chopped off when zooming in fully and in the inventory screen.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
space bar on container doesn't take all items; you have to click the little take all. controls indicate it shoudl as it did in dos:1.
Joined: Sep 2016
/!\ Item Collecting Bug /!\
So yeah, hello everyone! And thanks Sabine for sending me the link to the forum ;)
The bug I encountered is a pretty big one! I did an elf ranger, and when I went to collect gold in chests and other containers, I got the animation at the Character Portrait where the GOLD is sent to her inventory. But it never showed up in the inventory! so I lost all the gold I could get in the beginning of the game to buy better items. It happened each time I used the ''take all'' option. I don't remember double-clicking the gold, so maybe it's only affecting the ''take all'' option.
So yeah, that's the bug, which is a big bug in my opinion in terms of gameplay for players!
Happy to report it to get the game even better! ;)
So far, hard to understand what's going on everywhere! Like the animals getting contaminated sometimes, the apparition of diseases, fire and ''black roots'' from the ground makes it really hard, but interesting!
Really enjoying it so far! Keep up the good work Larian Crew!
Joined: Sep 2016
Found another small bug when i'm looting someone and I want to give it to one of my companions. I mostly drag the item to the character portrait, when I hover over all of them, the 'give icon' stays untill I hover over it again. Again really small bug but I guess anything helps right? :)
Joined: Sep 2016
Just recently Installed the game and wanted to play and I get an Error everytime I start the game, even if I ignore it and the game loads up when I try to create a Profile I get the same Error.
Error being, Failed to create dir: C:/Users/name/Documents/Larian Studios/Divinity Original Sin 2.
I'm running Windows 10 via an Upgrade from Windows 7, every other game I play runs fine and stores in either Documents or the Users/name section except Terraria and now DOS2.
Is there anyway to get this fixed cause I feel as though it's an issue with either the Game itself or Windows 10 or maby the upgrade of Windows 10.
This is getting so annoying and I've been waiting for this game for ages.
Joined: Sep 2016
Some minor things I noticed while playing so far:
1. Lizard female is so tall that the paperdoll has the head obscured by the helmet slot icon
2. Not entirely sure, but model quality video option seems as though it doesn't actually do anything.
3. Red Prince by default is set with facial feature 1, but it doesn't appear to do anything for their appearance and can't be used or changed if making a custom lizard.
Joined: Jun 2014
Hi guys. I've only run into one "issue" -there doesn't seem to be a skill confirmation button when leveling up. I ticked one of the boxes to see how my stats would change without knowing it would be permanent -walking speed could be sped up... 
Joined: Sep 2016
Good job on the game so far, it has a great atmosphere, and creeps in just the right places!
I have a few issues/bugs that I want to mention, in as much detail as is possible. All gameplay done in multiplayer in a two player game over steam, on the same network.
[u]Starting the game[/u] Getting into the game was mostly painless. We had some issues getting into the same game, but that is most likely because my PC insists on running 'public network' security today. I created a game, my girlfriend joined the lobby. We created characters, pressed play game. I entered the game, while she 'crashed to desktop'. No errors, no nothing. Just a desktop with no DOS2 running. Trying to get her into the game only resulted in 'game is full' messages.
Fixed by letting her create the game, worked from the first time.
[u]Pathing[/u] It seems a little difficult keeping a party together when pathing seems to still not be 100% in place. Controlling just two characters, one may be stuck in a minor obstacle for a while, then find the right path and rejoin the right course towards my main character. I hear also that cats do no pathing around hazards, and run into poison and stuff like that, though I haven't seen that. Currently my cat is gone and that makes me sad :(
[u]Migo the Gheist [/u] At this NPC dude, I clicked the nearest corpse to loot, where he started a conversation with that character. I did what he wanted, he was happy. All was good and fine, except one thing: the corpse I originally clicked was 'locked', as if my character had the loot window permanently open. I could not loot on that character (no error), other characters would get 'already in use' error. Didn't know how to fix.
[u]Magisters/Houndmaster fight[/u] During the fight, I wanted to try crazy things like contaminating a room full of electrified water, then throw blood on it, planning to save before, and load after. So we saved, did the crazy things, and then loaded. But before the save, all characters except two was electrified, of which one was frozen, and the current turn was one of the two main characters (the one i controlled).
After the load, all lightning had dissipated from the water, it was no longer my turn, instead it was the houndmaster's turn. The frozen archer was no longer frozen and had his turn along with the houndmaster, while all player characters were now stunned. It was like I loaded something I didn't save, that the turn order and hazards/status effects were not saved correctly.
[u]Conversation with Delorus[/u] Immediately following the fight with the Houndmaster, a conversation started with the guy on the ground, Delorus. Active participants were my main character, and the two extras. The other main character did not have a part in it, could only listen. After the conversation, the character that was not involved, was permanently stuck in 'listening mode' with no way of closing the ended conversation. Going up and down the ladder did not break the conversation. A save+load did fix it.
[u]Green man[/u] In the same place, there was a very green man in one of the side rooms. I felt sorry for his pain and eaten brain, so healed him with a restoration spell. But that killed him, and I felt bad. Does that make him a zombie?
That's all for now. Honestly that's very positive for an alpha. You guys have done such a great job, I'm very psyched to see more features in the game :) Thank you!
Joined: Sep 2016
Hi there folks. I've been enjoying the game everyone else here, but I've run into some bugs that I wanted to bring to your attention.
1) "Alt + Tab" severely messes up the game. At times I can alt+tab out to change the music I have playing in the background, but the picture gets really distorted. The color scheme flips to super saturated blue, pink, and grey. Some times it freezes completely. Not even Ctrl+Alt+Del will get me out of it. I've run into this problem consistently.
2) I ran into the freezing problem in another way. I changed video settings mid-game ( I changed the v-sync), and it completely locked me out of the game and froze my computer. The game music was still playing, but I couldn't see the game, just my desktop. No amount of hot keys or ctrl+alt+del could get me back into the game or to even close the game.
3) A problem similar to the two previous ones: I run my game on a laptop. Whenever I adjust the volume, a system box shows up with my volume and the value it's currently at. While in-game and adjusting the volume, I cannot see that box pop up.
I plan on submitting all the bugs I find, so as to help you make this game great. I've been a big fan of the series and D:OS1 is one of my favorite games. I've been super anticipating this release and this is actually of the best alphas that I've been a part of.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2015
Small oversight!
A Small Basket weighs 5 pounds
Joined: Aug 2015
@Deadlock, the Greenman, it's normal that he's dead after that 
Joined: Dec 2015
Should it be available for macOS? I have successfully added the game into my Steam library, but can't download since "is not available on your current platform"... :-(
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2015
Oversight 2
You can talk to a Fireslug guard and find out EXACTLY what Princess Fireslug wants and exactly what to tell her from her guard.
HOWEVER! In spite of the fact that he tells you to go tell her this... You cannot... actually... go tell her this.
(Also this is just my personal opinion: But I would have liked the ability to try to help her, even if it is impossible to do so)
Last edited by Neonivek; 15/09/16 04:18 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2015
Contaminate poisons people regardless if they are your enemies or not. It is an easy way to draw aggro from people cowering during fights.
For Contaminate, show the AoE for its "Poison nearby enemies" in addition to what you currently do. So there is less confusion and more accuracy.
Joined: Apr 2013
Where should we go for general feedback on the alpha?
Anyway, here are some bugs I encountered:
1. Lots of pathfinding bugs when moving up and down sloped terrain--the game will sometimes identify sloped surfaces as impassable.
2. There's a scripted encounter early on where two thugs are accosting an elf for protection money; after saving her, she tells you to come with her and teleports away. Presumably the player character is meant to teleport with her.
3. The first big dialog encounter (with the Bishop) has a number of unique Origin-related dialog options... but all of the ones I tried resulted in the exact same response. Same with the much smaller dialog encounter preceding it (where you tell the two guards about the shipwreck). Given how much Larian has been touting the Origin-specific dialog, I can only assume this is either the result of a bug or a poor design choice.
4. Speaking of "Larian," the actual word "Larian" is banned by the global chat auto-filter. That's pretty messed up.
Joined: Sep 2016
First things first: great job! Game installed and ran without any glitches for the ~1.5 hours that I put on it today. The graphics are very familiar for somebody coming from DOS, but everything seems a bit neater and more polished. I can appreciate that a lot of thought was put on improving the interface and experimenting with new ideas, well done!
Now to constructive criticism ;)
- If a container has only one item I don't get the icon to get all items and close the container at once
- (this comes from DOS as well), could we pleeease heal automatically outside of combat? Pretty please? Maybe make it an option?
- If I open the inventory screen, then I need to close _2_ separate windows manually, this seems strange (I know I can just press "I" again)
- Allow to zoom out a bit more; I think somebody else has already mentioned this. It's making me a bit claustrophobic, especially when there's higher terrain up ahead.
- When crafting, it'd be nice to be able to access everybody's inventory at once
- When crafting, it'd be nice if the "in crafting" animation (bar filling up) were faster (or immediate)
- I crafted a toy crossbow, but I don't see it added to my recipes and now I don't know how to craft it again :(
- Map: just like in DOS, I can't jump to any given spot by double clicking on it. It'd be nice to be able to (for custom markers we could, say, right click)
Again, great work, looking forward to putting more hours and discover additional mechanics!
Joined: Feb 2016
Small issue, when zoomed in far enough and at the right angle, the character's head disappears. I feel like this is likely due to the proximity of the campfire to this bedroll. Rotating the camera at this spot, at certain points the head is both visible and not.
Joined: Sep 2016
PVP only problems Thanks again Larian for this great game, I love to see progress and all the hard work come into light. So I will do my best to explain any issues I have been having.
Some of these problems have been noted by devs already but I want to make sure they are online.
1. In a multiplayer lobby if someone is in slot below a vacant slot IE player1 is in slot 4 and player2 is in slot 3,when slot 1,2 are open the game will bug out when choosing a character. The selection of the characters will go to slots 1 and 2 and no one will be able to play. This was tested with a 3 player lobby with slot 1 being open and player 3 got to pick for slot 1 and did not play the game and just observed. [A Larian Dev was in the lobby when this occurred]
2. In the game mode Kill the King there is no indication of who is the king. Another player and myself tried to figure out who the king was and there was no indication. -We tested to see if it was the first person you picked and it was not the case. We had no idea who the enemy king was nor our own. At least we should know who our own king is.
3. Anyone who goes to create a lobby is not notified if we are starting a public lobby for arena. We need any sort of indication or option to allow the lobby to be public.[Devs are aware of this and said they will bring it up with the team]
4. When I created a single player game my default settings went back to private without notice and tried to host a multiplayer PvP match. This caused my lobby to be private without me knowing. The only extra thing I did was go into my Menu-Settings and clicked ok, which may have reset the setting back to private.
Thanks! Armageden
Joined: Aug 2015
I have a very big problem. The Game doesnt even start for me. As soon as i press play, i get the window where i can send the game files to larian studios. It crashes before i even get the chance to see the first loading screen. Verify the game cache and updating my graphic drivers didnt solve the problem.