Originally Posted by Stabbey
I'm against this, because I think it detracts from the entire point of picking a specific origin. You chose that origin to see the story from their perspective, yes? Getting to see all the different options which you didn't pick makes the point of picking an origin much shallower.

You get to see from your perspective but it shouldn't mean the whole world revolves around you. You get to see your story and a bit of background from the other characters. It wouldn't mean much in the narrative of the game (I'm assuming the relationships and origins will be a big part of the narrative) if you know little to nothing about your companions and their outlooks. I just feel in cases where situations can be avoided because a certain party member is in, they should interject, after all, they are standing right next to your main character and can hear everything. Hypothetical Example: Guard is getting aggravated at your party's presence but knows (let's say) Ifan. Ifan interjects and calms the situation. It'll be weird that Ifan didn't have the option to defuse the situation despite knowing he could. I'm not saying this should be in every situation because it would detract a lot from your main character's interaction with the world, but if there's a situation that can be avoided or changed because of a party member they should be able to interject. Or maybe if no one has any unique dialogue, an option should be presented to choose the one character that has one.

Although I'd still like a Wasteland esque dialogue system where everyone can talk in a conversation, I think LordCrash and Surrealialis' idea which was

1) Generic reaction/answer one
2) Generic reaction/answer two
3) [Ifan]...
4) [Soldier]...
5) [Red Prince]...
6) [Scholar]...
7) [Lohse]...
8) [Mystic]...

works pretty well as a compromise though.

Last edited by SourceHunter; 26/09/16 01:06 AM.