Hello again,

So just to give you a heads up on how we handle the feedback - these are the things we're doing:

1. We go through pretty much everything that's written on D:OS 2 all over the internet on a daily basis. For me, it's literally the first thing I do in the morning and I'm not the only one in the team. That gives us the trends. That we don't react to everything is just because we're only human and still need to make the bloody game too. Personally I wished I had the time because I'd love to react to everything but those days are unfortunately over for me.

2. We put a lot of new systems in there, some more subtle than others, and so one thing that we're particularly interested in is seeing if they are working as intended and if not, why. While we look at what people are saying about these systems or their experiences with them, we do have a lot of quantitative data we can look at too. When people agree to send reports, we get information on where they put their points, the dialog options they select, where they go on the map etc... Together with the opinions, this allows us to figure out if certain things are really broken or not.

3. How we fix things that we see are broken is a different matter. We certainly read people's opinions and allow ourselves to be influenced by them when we think they make sense and fit the vision of the game. But if they don't fit the vision, we don't take them into account. An extreme example of this is for instance people telling us to make the game real time. But there are less extreme examples too. Certain stat or system suggestions just don't fit what we want to do so we ignore those too.

We think of early access as a developer's playground where we can experiment with things with the goal of making a better game. That means you can expect plenty of sometimes radical changes over the coming months. Those changes will almost all be based on the insights we're getting from early access players followed by discussions we have in the team about what to do with those insights.

Right now, we're already at work on a few system changes that should address several things that we saw were not working that well, so you should see that come in your direction in the not so distant future.

Where stands it written that I have to be fair?