Joined: Jun 2014
If you heal the young boy in the seekers camp he will sit down on a chair. If you teleport the chair (I wanted him to move away so I could rob the lizard next to him) the boy is gone ^^
Last edited by FadeToBlack; 25/09/16 05:51 PM.
Joined: Jun 2014
After destroying Lord Withermoores soul jar and freeing him, he is lying dead on the floor. Or is this as intended and am I missing something?
edit: mmh, probably intended, you have to do something with the other soul jars as well I guess...? Same here, he lies on the floor and the boy cries but the quest is not finished.
Joined: Sep 2016
- Sometimes after using a Blood Rose Potion, the image that indicates a status effect's duration next to the character image will appaer and stay there forever. In addition, the character will get a bonus to their health because of the Constitution bonus of the potion, but the health bar will indicate that the character has lost some points of health which cannot be healed.
Joined: Sep 2016
First I would like to preface by saying the game is great so far, and their aren't really any design choices that I'm unhappy with. That said, this is about finding/fixing bugs so here's what I found
Bugs: [list] [*] - The female elf skirt will occasionally start glitching out in the character creator. [*] - When helmet visual is turned off, the character will often be left with no hair (aka "bald"). Toggling the Helmet Visual on & off seems to fix the problem, at least until the next character animation. [*] - During combat, couldn't target a Silent Monk without using the Left Control key. (happened only once) [*] - Blue Mushroom seems to have no effect when consumed. [*] - If the party gets too far separated during combat it can break the combat chain. [*] - Some context for this one: I changed my keyboard controls for swiveling the camera to "Q" & "E". I don't generally use the middle mouse button and this made it easier to navigate. To subsidize this, I cleared the quick key ("E" originally) for the equipment panel because it toggled together with the inventory anyway. Now the glitch: After restarting the game, I found that "E" had been reassigned to the Equipment Panel. Now every time I rotated the camera it also activated/deactivated the panel. [*] - There are some areas where my npc companions will not follow me up a climbing vine or ladder. I have to tell them each to go up individually. [*] - Sometimes, after a battle, the "Enemy's Turn" indicator will stay locked on. Usually, fighting another battle will fix this. [/list]
Speech Typos: [list] [*] - Kerban - "It was his first. It was also [color:#CC0000]it[/color] last." (should be "his last") [*] - Option while talking to Duggan - "Wonder how they'd [color:#CC0000]recognize know[/color] a Godwoken." (either "recognize" or "know", not both) [*] - Gratiana - "More than one ship has met its [color:#CC0000]send[/color] on those rocks." (should be "met its end") [/list]
And that's all I've got for now. If I find more, I'll post them.
Joined: Apr 2014
in braccus rex tower near the gargoyle maze, seems a bug in the loot inside the urn screen So, I took it because 1K gold was way more insteresting than a blind radiance skillbook  And it work, I really had 1K gold more. But I cant help to think that was not intended :p
Joined: Sep 2016
Blood Rose Potion, crafted by combinging the Blood Rose with the Potion Bottle, gives the permanent +1 to all primary attributes.
The bug I'm finding with my save file is that each time I save and reload, it keeps adding an additional +1 to all attributes EACH TIME.
As of now, my main character is current +10 to all primary attributes due to this bug, but the save before I used it is too far back, so I'm just playing through with super steroid archer for the time being :(
Joined: Aug 2016
A UI thing that I just discovered.
To check the numbered health of a party member, I hover over their portrait (i look for actual values to help me choose which healing / armour buffs to apply). A bar appears in the top centre of the screen with info which is good.
However it doesn't appear for the ACTIVE party member. Hovering over their portrait does nothing because they're active. So to get the same selection i click onto someone else then over over their portrait.
The portrait hover action would be awesome if it applied to every party member whether actively selected or not?
Joined: Aug 2016
space bar on container doesn't take all items; you have to click the little take all. controls indicate it shoudl as it did in dos:1. I agree with this - a biggie for me, huge timesaver when looting every cabinet and box you can find
Joined: Sep 2016
A few suggestions:
Grenades: This is a snap to grid programming, makes it very difficult for precise placement. This may be intended, but is annoying.
Water in river(Fire slug cave) : If I want to attack these slugs, the water in the river/creek doesn't get you wet. It probably should.
Contamination: The entire screen(4K) and off the screen is bamboozled with contamination. Crazy radius, are you sure this is as intended?
Joined: Jan 2009
- I can't interact with Gareth after telling him about the wand. - If you have a player waiting in the same spot as Magister Ames suddenlyappears, you can't interact with him at all. - If you helped Slane, even if you have already killed the shriekers guarding the way, he still flies over and chills all the already-dead bodies. I hope that doesn't count as our "favor"
Joined: Sep 2016
Bugs: - When using a bucket as a helmet and checking the display box, the character becomes bald and the bucket floats on the ground at their feet.
- When trying to access your inventory during combat, I assume you only want us to be able to access the inventory of the person whose turn it is but: 1) Sometimes the inventory is completely disabled 2) Sometimes you can access only one character's inventory which is not the character whose turn it is currently
Last edited by ButtKraken; 26/09/16 04:50 PM.
Joined: May 2014
I think i have a Bug. I play together with 4 friends. We are currently in the Dungeon with the md illusionist with the illusion. My friends talked with the statue "Shrine to the seven" , which is broken (missing head, and so on) after that they were ported away and i stand still in front of the statue.
When i now try to talk with the statue i have the initial text, but only "Take your leave." option.
My friends are now Godwoken? had the Blessing Skill, but im not. This is a little frustrating ... a party of for "Half-Gods or something" and you are the only normal guy. ^^ I hope this is a bug and will be fixed.
I don't know if this issue is now a gamebreaker for the next steps of the session.
Joined: Apr 2014
Bug concerning attack of opportunity and "teleport/dash attacks" (like thunder jump or the warfare equivalent) So, let's take this screen of a combat situation : the red prince stated at the START position, uses the teleport attack from warfare (blitz strike ? ) and arrived at END position, attacking 2 targets. ![[Linked Image]](http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/e635b4df-0a38-4bf4-94db-1c105df001c0.jpg) The first target (circled in red) had an attack of opportunity, that activated at the end of attack animation of the red prince (when he arrived at the END position) - is skill considered by the game a "movement" and not a teleport ? - should attack of opportunity applies to that sort of skill ( if so, shouldn't the attack be interrupted when the AoO activates ? )
Joined: Sep 2016
Not sure if anyone else has found this but
If your in multiplayer you can confirm your character leave character creation and come back, but this time you get to keep all the starting bonuses from the last character. This also stacks so if you want to start out as a god among men have a friend host for you and repeat, confirm character leave, confirm character leave, i only stacked it up three times if anyone wants to push the boundaries and see how broken you can become go ahead
Joined: Sep 2016
Mody is bugged he doesn't hand any of the characters I make an item (I am guessing it is supposed to be some kind of map) after pulling the spear out of the ghost in his underground hiding spot. Later on I found the spot he talks about but doesn't hand your character anything to find. So the location is there just not any kind of a hint to where it actually is and it took me forever to find it because I had to scroll all over the map looking for high spots and trying to teleport onto anything that was high.
Joined: Sep 2016
Disclaimer: I play in online co-op with a friend.
1) sometimes at the beginning of battles, his character starts rushing in the middle of enemies, triggering opportunities attacks from them. The issue there is that he does not click on anything at the beginning of his turn. Erratic behaviour was observed three times so far in our game.
2) I created a very tall character just to try. The issue here is that his head is not displayed in character sheet as it is hidden by the case where I can assign an helmet. Pretty annoying.
3) Elf robe in character creation is blinking sometimes.
4) Having to kill any guard in Fort Joy after escape (I did not see anyone giving the alert) when I decided to go back in to buy skillbooks and sell other things.
5) I never manager to join my friend's lobby. "Connecting" forever. So we play the other way, he joins in few seconds. Don't know why.
Joined: Sep 2016
Hi all. I've encountered High Judge Orivand on the first island. I bring his health down to 0, except he's not dying. Am I missing something? This is game breaking because this person is most likely going to affect my quest log in a major way. I've tried reloading from before the fight and fought my entire way back just to see the bug again. Any tips?
Joined: Sep 2016
Playing with a coop partner, he controlled his own character and Lohse, while I controlled my character and the Red Prince.
On entering the room with Trompdroy's soul jar, we freed him and began working our way through the jars, absorbing or releasing the jars as we saw fit. My friend entered the "conversation" with the jar to the right of the door on the opposite end of the room from Trompdroy's jar with Lohse. While that conversation was in progress, he switched characters to his main Wayfarer character (custom), and interacted with another soul jar. When we all finished our conversations, Lohse was locked in the "conversation" with the soul jar, even though she had freed the soul trapped inside and the jar was no longer interactable.
Lohse is now permanently locked in conversation, cannot be used, and cannot leave the conversation. We teleported her bit by bit to the dungeon entrance and brought her out, but that didn't break the conversation. We tried to kill her, but she's invulnerable because she's in a conversation. We tried to quicksave and load, but she's still stuck.
Joined: Sep 2016
Interface suggestion: Please allow to navigate via map. That is, double click on an area in the map screen would take your main view to that area. This should make navigating around much easier.
Minor game controls bug: Reproduction: 1) Assign Backspace to "Home" action (this action brings game view to your main character); 2) Open map screen, click to create map marker, type in something; 3) Press Backspace; Expected result: a character to the left of your cursor in the textbox is erased Actual Result: "Home" action is triggered, character in the textbox is not erased
Joined: Sep 2016
In Trompdoy's cave, at the room where the riddle is, I went into a side room with an illusory chest. When I clicked on the chest, it gives me the FIGHT thing and goes into combat mode, then I can't do anything. This only happened if I did it before talking to the riddle statue. When I reloaded, talked to the riddle statue first, then click on the chest, it does the same as the earlier chest - says FIGHT! then goes back to normal after the burning explosion.