Originally Posted by Ayvah
...but it's far more scientific than the moaning in this forum when anyone suggests... Well, anything at all.
Maybe you should stop posting silly ideas, then you probably won't see any "moaning".

Originally Posted by Ayvah
I never claimed to represent the entire audience, but I an certainly one member of the audience. By telling me to "respect" the artist, you're not asking for respect, you're asking for silence. Any business that chooses to ignore feedback from customers does not respect it's customers. That doesn't mean they should bend over backwards to accommodate every demand, but they should be respectful of the feedback and give them a fair amount of consideration.

Also, I've criticised this posing as being disrespectful to people who believe that women should be more than just eye candy.
The moment you prove your demonstrably false opinion is fact, then I suppose people will take you more seriously. You're complaining that the pose of a video game model is disrespectful because of your own bias that anything remotely sexual is negative, a sexist bias at that because there are men with similar poses but only the women are eye candy. Not just that but you're the only one that can't see the women past the poses, do you realize that? Everyone else that disagreed with you can see that as sexualized as they may be(which they hardly are) they are incredibly powerful sourcerers , the next Godwoken and YOU only see sexualized women.