As a female gamer, I do get sick of the armours being skimpy for female characters (though not as rabidly as some do. Come one people, it's a game!) That was one of the things I loved about DOS. No matter what gender you had, the armour stayed the same, just with beaten out bits for the breasts.

So what happened?

No matter what armour you put on Sebelle it turns out skimpy. I haven't played the elves at all (mainly coz the bug eyed look they've got going kind creeps me out, but also because the lizards are just so freaking awesome) only adding Sebelle to the party.

On saying that, I am glad that Larian didn't go the original Morrowind rout and make it hard for characters with non-human feet to get boots (though, that in itself was a good idea/character flaw to have in my opinion.) but why does the armour for the elves have to be skimpy?

Saying that, I'm just going to hop back into the game to see if a male elf has the same issue with armour.