Originally Posted by Limz
Also, the game's economy is fucked; you basically need bartering and pickpocketing. A lot of the complaints people have on the forums is due to never being able to gear up properly due to lack of funding.

This one I still don't get... In my most 'serious' walkthrough I haven't used pickpocketing, bartering or killing merchants and just saved gold to buy some spells/gear that I thought were most important to upgrade. For the rest I went with what rng gave me. Furthermore, I'm tactically a mediocre player at most :p and didn't fully min/max or did one of the more 'op builds' that circulate on the forum (didn't read them beforehand and like to do my own thing). Still I had the feeling that I had geared up properly, encounters were not too hard (classic mode - lvl 7 at the end). And no, didn't stack barrels and stuff either ;-)

So, what is 'properly geared'?