Originally Posted by Gelatinous Rube
Originally Posted by Regicide

And it is never 'naked women'. Showing skin does not mean naked by any stretch of the imagination.

In realistic terms, any armor that doesn't actually protect the body by covering vulnerable areas leaves the wearer functionally naked. Why should male characters be the only ones that get to wear functional armor? Again, not saying that is the case here. But it is frequently the case.

In artistic terms, why should someone who chooses to play a female character endure a design sensibility that serves only heterosexual male titillation? As you can see from this thread, the game's audience is broader than that. My tastes are not universal.

Originally Posted by Regicide

I think it is the best recourse to let Larian design and make their own decisions, that was what i intended my original post to say, but it must have been lost somewhere in translation.

Larian is going to make their own decisions regardless, both about the game, and about what feedback they find valuable. Best to leave them to it on both fronts.

functionally naked in terms of if the armour would be worn in real life yes it would be, but in a video game the little number after the bit that says 'armour rating' is the only thing that governs any sort of virtual protection. Now in this game we see 'functionally inadequate' armour being worn by both sexes, but game developers that choose to do this on one particular sex have absolutely no reason to be scolded for being sexist whatsoever.

"why should someone who chooses to play a female character endure a design sensibility that serves only heterosexual male titillation?"

This is incredibly untrue. Serves only hetero male titillation? Come on dude, this world is not a drab palette of black and white, it might be easier if it was, but it certainly isn't the case. If so every girl that ever wore any sort of clothing that shows off their sexuality even a little is just pandering to males, only wearing the clothes she does to draw the attention of boys. It should be a commonplace in society to let women not only wear what they want, but also to show as much skin as they want without being called out as just attention seeking. We desperately need to move past this idea of 'making women show skin is for a mans pleasure'.

My girlfriend loved the flashy armour design on the women in the 'original' original sin (hehe) when we played through it together and wouldn't change to certain armours in some cases because she didnt like how concealing it was. This is of course only one girls opinion but it shows that flashy armour definitely doesn't only cater to 'males'. Chicks can dig it too.

What someone prefers a character to be dressed like is irrelevant. I personally am someone who does prefer armour that covers all the importants and could be seen as armour that would work in real life, but if a developer doesn't want to go down that route i am not going to tell them they should be doing it my way.

Cheers smile