Did it ever occur to you that the video game industry that by now is larger than the effing movie industry takes form based on what people buy? Far from every game has skimpy outfits, so the market allows for people to vote with their wallet. But if something sells its going to be produced. You are not forced to like or buy what other people like or buy, but you are also not entitled to decide what other people get to have, just like I am not entitled to have certain movies show more boobs if I happen to like that in movies.

Its also interesting how you were outraged over skimpy female characters, untill you realized it was the same with the male characters and then suddenly you like it.
Do you not see the irony of wanting to deny people the very thing you immediately admit you liked when you realized it was there?

Anyway I really like the elves in DOS2. Ive seen sooo many generic fantasy elves in so many games. Its refreshing to see something new done with them.