Come on day/night cycle!

The weathering is lacking a little and the camera angles when around trees is annoying (not enough transparency?? - similar issue with the rocks not enough transparency to see what is going on).

The blood splatter when an elf eats a limb/head/etc is so over exaggerated but it definitely grossed me out the first few times it happened. Different effects should happen on the age of the limb (less healing), the contents within the limb/how that person died (poisoned, frozen, burnt, etc.), and the major storyline content should have a tranced effect on them followed by a cut-scene?

Elves should have (like dinivity 2 - but not the class) a similar ability of mind reading/manipulation.


The Dragon knight's part should a lot more involved in this story. It should start the cycle up again where the dragon knights come back in a hard way! Pre-cursor to what is to come, a world full of peace with a undercurrent of some evil the knights cannot see and just when they thought all would be saved a horrible act of injustice, evil, and malice explodes out of the depths (think LOTR #1 dwarven halls - demon).

Massive (I mean huge!) enemies, demons in disguise of angels, Poison Anaconda's, etc should be something we can look forward to in the future (maybe not this game...) Twists in plots, saddening (actually heart breaking) tales to live out and murderous backstabbing friends that you never know what will happen with should be something that we can look forward to (not knowing whether to trust them or not is awesome). If there is a character on your party that dislikes you there should be a random choice he/she makes when in battle to participate whether mid-battle/beginning or end! That would be so frustrating and potentially devistating for the party (though being random if you died and came back he/she could change their minds to help).

ANyways, just some ideas!