Originally Posted by Ayvah
I don't see the male poses as equivalent as I'm not aware of any male human poses styled like ballet dancers.

What gave you the idea that this is what constitutes male sexiness? Have you ever stopped to wonder why a lot of women think fire fighters are sexy? Is it because fire fighters tend to pose like ballet dancers, or is it because a well trained male body working, or in a pose suggesting action is something that is really commonly thought of as how men go about being sexy.

If we go watch 1000 sucessfull atempts of a man picking up a girl at a bar, how many of them do you think did it with ballet poses?

There is a very simple question that anyone concerned about what levels of sex appeal suggestive stuff should be allowed in a creative medium can ask:

Should porn be illegal?

If the answer to this is no, then ask yourself a couple of cuestions regarding other and milder types of sexual content. Unless you end up being a contradictive hypocrite wanting to allow porn but ban really mild stuff, then you have demonstrated to yourself that you actually think it is ok for a game, or movie or book in theory to include something sexually suggestive, but for some reason you are just trying your hardest to invent a reason for why its wrong for this game in particular.

Unless you want to outright ban sexual stuff, then its ok for creative media with sexual undertones to be part of the market, and the frequency of them will be regulated by market forces. People buy what you like.
If you don't like something, don't buy it. But stop riding some imaginary stick moral horse around and make a fool of yourself.