I see I should have written "cue triggered fanboys" right after my post lol.
Ad-Hominem, keep it going. Also you assumed my gender-identity again.
Originally Posted by cae37
@lyrhe if you had read what we've said you would have understood why I posted those pictures. But sure, say whatever fits your narrative of what I've said.
I read it and I still think it was a poorly executed out of the context strawman.
Originally Posted by cae37
So designing female characters away from the norm is pandering? Even when they are well liked and received?
In fact, Zarya is not that well liked because of her out of the norm design - if you believe that you are honestly out of your mind and should probably come out of your cloud Palace.
She's one of the most criticized heroes due to her design and that's the reason why a fair part jumped for the olympic skin; to change that god dam aweful tumblr muh-stronk-womyn hairstyle. We shouldn't forget here that you can't see your own characters face/model in Overwatch making these slightly unorthodox design choices irrelevant for most people anyway. She's well received because she's an incredible fun tank with great damage and an even better ultimate.
Originally Posted by cae37
Lol. You do realize how silly you sound right?
lmao no lol
I assumed you were being facetious about the gender identity stuff. I'll stop with the gendered language.
If Zarya is so unliked where are the petitions of gamers demanding she be taken out of the game? Where's the fan outrage and the hate over such a god-awful design? I even took a look at the OW forums and found no evidence of this outrage you speak of. You're drawing at straws.
If you're trying to prove she's an unpopular character you're not doing a very good job at all. She's fun to use and looks badass, what's not to like?