Originally Posted by Skallewag
And how do you not identify this as a problem with your strategy? Did you ever have a character with elemental tortoise in the previous game? Did you experience a problem with fire because only one person in your party was immune to fire?

Its as if you actively try to create a problem for yourself and then act suprised when you succeed.

Have the characters who are immune to poison use that to their benifit, and avoid poison with the rest. Do not have a zombie and a non zombie close to eachother. WHat's the problem here?

First of all, he follows me. I cannot get away from him, as he starts right next to me, and when he doesn't, he is quickly focused and killed. So, he is always next to me, since I am the tank. Also, he has higher initiative than me. I literally go after him. No amount of strategy will stop him from using blood rain and then contaminating the ground under me. Therefore, this is unavoidable in every sense of the word. Next, I don't waste the cooldowns of my pyromancy spells on a flame resistant warrior to heal him. I just heal him. Not to mention, the last game didn't have bless turning everything into a healing surface, including aforementioned contaminated ground under us. Furthermore, for a fire resistant warrior, when you throw poison at fire, you get more fire, allowing healing. Oil also gets you more fire. So does fire. That's three elements that can potentially heal you, plus healing itself. How exactly am I actively creating a problem? I don't bless him. I bless myself to save myself from his poison, after I teleport away. I don't even use poison spells. The worst thing I am doing is trying to build around it by building teleports and staying very far away from the fight after I've done my job soaking up the alpha damage. And I'm not losing any fights. All I'm losing is resurrection scrolls, and money on resurrection scrolls. In fact, we recently beat the game with this build. By that point, we had lost so much money that we could no longer afford scrolls, and my companion was permanently dead because of it. I beat the last boss fight solo, after fire blew up him, his poison and his Red Prince (also a zombie) on turn 1. How is this strategy supposed to deal with fire, again? He had on three fire resistance items, so that doesn't work. People keep drawing parallels to fire resistant warriors, who can be healed by anything that creates fire as well as healing. But zombies cannot. As I mentioned, they heal only from poison, which is very weak in the first place, and can then be blessed or lit on fire to create something equally harmful. Fire does not have these problems. It never has. So a zombie and a fire resistant warrior is not something you can draw a valid parallel between. Especially not one using elemental tortoise, as that skill makes them further resistant to poison and earth, further amplifying the effective healing from those elements when they create surfaces. So, tell me. Where exactly, specifically, incidentally, have I mentioned a flaw in my strategy? In your opinion, what exactly do you think it is that I am doing wrong?