Originally Posted by Orinx
This game doesn't prevent other players in multiplayer from trolling you misusing the zombie skill is just one of the ways to achieve that. There are many skill combos that can "unintentionally" damage allies you would be better off asking for a no friendly fire switch then asking the devs to remove/change the zombie perk.

I can deal with friendly fire. The problem is keeping my friend alive; if he's on fire, then it's literally impossible to heal him. Bless doesn't work. Restoration doesn't work. Healing Ritual becomes a liability. Steam Lance becomes a teamwipe. Poison spells are limited and very weak in terms of healing anyways, if he wasn't somehow always on fire, and rain and blood rain both have cooldowns (he likes casting ignition + shackles of pain, by the way. Sometimes in that order). The problem has rarely been surviving friendly fire; the problem is getting him to survive regular fire, of any definition. I can't stress this enough: no build in the game has actually been difficult for me to keep alive, besides zombie builds. Did I mention he's not the only one? I've seen three zombies so far, and even the best one was at best a walking fire hazard, and at worst... just... I don't know what to say. I'll try playing with it myself when Iget home, but from my experience in DOS original, Zombie is really weak, and now hat they've added bless, that's 4 new surfaces that hurt them and 0 more that heal them. That, and he prevalence of fire in Act I means a bad time for zomboes. So from what I've seen, I'm not optomistic. Has anyone here even tried using zombie in #2?