Originally Posted by aj0413
Yeah, I think it adds like +1 per level of poison damage. Obviously you'd have to really stack it. And yes, I've used more than a good few poison grenades in my solo rogue play through. I might have just been RNG lucky though.

I feel like Act 1 is just too early to really judge zombie since it requires building around it and gearing up your party around it to make use of it. It's just a highly specialized party composition and tactics to make it shine.

I wouldn't be surprised though if the people you're working with just want to zombie to be immune in second part to all the poison while gaining tactical advantage in part 1. Your kind of stuck between two rocks. There's no good way to deal with your situation except to gear up multiple characters with zombie and outfit them all with all the poison methods you can. Not ideal I know. Technically if everyone in your party had zombie you could still do what you said but with poison/blood pools smirk the only difference is change out bless with contaminate.

Also, doesn't being poisoned from food heal you? Or poisoned potions? I know of a poisoned potato.

The poison damage seems to only apply to poison skills, it seems, but I'll keep testing out abilities. And you're probably right, it most likely is more useful past act I. The gear demand is very high to equip a character like this, so it should be easier to build once we get into an act with lots more loot dropping. As for poisoned food and potions, yes! They do! But, I have not found any poison potions besides crafted ones. And poisoned food is rare. Where is said poisoned potato?

Also, I looked it up, and you're right, Contaminate only costs one. I thought it cost 2. But still, the contaminate combo would probably result in the tank running into the poison, hitting something, and then being blown sky high by a fire spell/fire wand/ flaming enemy the next turn, but I'll try a zombie run without any fire at all, and both rain and blood rain, and see how it goes. I'm starting the run right now, in fact! So we'll see.