Yeah, this tradeoff is just too huge. Taking this talent basically forces your whole party to build around you, it would seem. Just one zombie means no healing ritual, and that the healer must have rain. I have both rain and blood rain, and I'm needing to spam both to keep my friends alive. They are needing the healing really badly, as most people usually do, so they keep bunching up to heal, and there's not much I can do about it. We all know it's bad, but it feels like it's the only way to get reasonable healing done during the fight. I have yet to fight a single enemy that uses poison, and I only know of one currently in the game right now (necromancers that summon an ooze). There's plenty of poison out of combat, sure, but it's not exactly a threat, and Bless still renders it a healing agent, so I wouldn't say that zombie has provided me any benefit so far. I'm tempted to call it here, because I'm the only one in my party with rain and blood rain, and it's looking like that's not going to change. I'm sure this could be done solo, with a full party of people, but god damn is it tedious multiplayer. Hell, I'm pretty sure this would be tedious if I had full control. Should I keep going? Or is an hour or two of playing this monstrosity enough to form a fair opinion of it, do you think?

Edit: I thought of another. Migo. But we haven't needed to fight him.

Last edited by SlamPow; 02/10/16 01:37 AM.