Okay. I just beat the game with zombie necro guy, as a zombie, with a full zombie party. We got attacked with poison exactly one time the whole game, by the gheist in the end fight. We were unable to use bless, as it was lethal, we were unable to heal after coming in contact with fire, we were just generally having a hard time restoring HP. During the last fight, as I feared, the magister mage just pew pew'd our poison until it was fire, and made it impossible to heal. So we did the last fight without healing at all. It was hell. This talent is by far, utterly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, at this current point in time, the most useless talent out there. Escapist has more value. In fact, if you put in a talent called "skateboarding", that gave your character the ability to do a kickflip, it would be a more plausible talent than Zombie would. It was literally a liability the whole game, every single fight that we needed healing on. We skipped Radeka, and that was it. We fought all the other optional bosses, and did all the other content. So I can safely say that there is nowhere on the map where Zombie confers any sort of tactical or strategic advantage. It is a waste of a talent point that could be spent on Warlord, or The Pawn, or Far Out Man, or Picture of Health, or even something with situational use like Comeback Kid. If anyone has anything good to say about it, speak up now, or forever hold your peace.