Guaranteed CC success is what is wrong with the current system.
Once they have no Magic Amrour, or no Physical Armour for physical CC, your skills have 100% success. That is what makes it silly easy.
A game with no challenge, and that is what you will have when CC is guaranteed, is going to be very boring.
One of the most liked things about DOS1 was that it actually provided a challenge.
Alright. So first you say the system makes it too easy, and then complain that the game is too easy. But I would argue that one of these things does not beget the other.
As I've already mentioned, once Haste is fixed there will be another method of cleansing frozen, giving us Phoenix Dive, any fire spell, and the additional protection of magic armor to prevent it, giving you several tactical counters to it. And stunned is removed by armor of frost. These are among the very first abilities we have seen, on the very first pass of the open Alpha. If enemies had these, and used them effectively, then your complaint would be no longer an issue, and we know for a fact that they will be implemented, and that enemies will not only use these but other tactics as well to get around your CC, just like they were able to in the first game, with Purifying Fire, Cleansing Water, etc. So from what you're saying, CC being guaranteed is an issue. But the truth, I would say, is that the issue lies with enemies not having any counters to the CC... yet. I would wait and see how classic mode AI ends up, and judge the game then, along with taking a peek at Tactician Mode. I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised with where they take this and what they do with the armor system in the future.