Joined: Sep 2016
I dont have the patience to deal with this degeneracy any more.
By now anyone shoud have realized how ridiculous this is.
The arguments flip flop from "Muh realism" to "muh sexism" to "muh women want X" all the time. there is no consitency OTHER than what they want to achieve which is to castrate art.
The only thing that remains if you add it all up is hatred and disdain for beauty art and aesthetics.
there is nothing to discuss here. this is prudes versus people that respect art. blah blah blah blah bullshit Arguments like this would be more convincing if they didn't all go the same way. - The ones complaining about "censorship" are always male.
- While they agree that Developers should consider feedback from Alpha/EA on anything to do gameplay wise, any comments about art or costumes are from evil women trying to censor art as part of an evil scheme to cut off men's testicles.
- It is merely a coincidence that the art is just how the "anti-censorship" people like it.
- Women are not allowed to have an opinion about art or costumes which is different than that of men. They should just shut up and be grateful they're allowed to talk about gameplay.
- While Developers are allowed and even encouraged to change their minds about anything gameplay wise in Early Access, they are NOT allowed to change their minds about anything design or artwork wise. The first ideas they put out are HOLY and changing them is BLASPHEMY.
- Developers cannot possibly change their minds on artwork among themselves, it's only Evil Feminzaxxiestdstyas pressuring and threatening them that force the devs to reluctantly place their balls on the butchers block and chop them off.
Uuuuh, I think the degeneracy in question was Testad's statement that women should be "protected from themselves", and his rant about how he enjoys being the one in control in his household, because So for example you said that for you man and woman are equals, well, yes, why do you even have to state that. But! we have to have more responsibility than women does. Its just a natural and healthy way in my opinion. and Do I want my woman to work? No I don't and also, can't forget We have a saying "Any man is a king of his own house." What it probably means to you - Any man is free to do whatever he wants with his woman. What it really means - The man is responsible for everyone living under his roof, first of all the safety, physical mental and moral So, Stabbey, what do you think of Testad's arguments? How would you respond to his statements? Set aside, for a second, the nebulous feminazis, and the omnipresent "Christian overtones" and other whatnot. How does what Testad said make you feel? Does it seem like degeneracy to you? I'd love to hear a woman's thoughts on this. Vometia? Do you have an opinion on this? You usually have something constructive to say in times like these. I'd love to hear what people think.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Vometia? Do you have an opinion on this? You usually have something constructive to say in times like these. I'd love to hear what people think. Who, me? I hate being put on the spot with the expectation of being responsible and sensible. That said, of course I disagree with the premise that a woman can't do her own thing, at least within the limitations of what won't get me a telling off by my gf. That's getting a bit off the point, though: regarding one's acceptance of Larian's artistic decisions, I guess "you pays your money, you makes your choice" applies. Though whether I continue to be so pragmatic once there's an artistic direction that sufficiently bothers me remains to be seen!
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Sep 2016
Vometia? Do you have an opinion on this? You usually have something constructive to say in times like these. I'd love to hear what people think. Who, me? I hate being put on the spot with the expectation of being responsible and sensible. Ah, sorry. I won't do that again, then. Thanks for being responsible and sensible anyways, though =D
Joined: Sep 2016
does anyone know if you can make your elf breasts bigger? Like a slider option? Hmm... I don't know about "elf" breasts specifically. But implants do wonders for the aspiring young woman. And if you don't have the money for that, some kleenexes and a padded bra will do just fine. I can personally attest to this ;P I've also made liberal use of socks for filling. Throw a shirt over it and I had myself a very nice set of B cup breasts using my girlfriends bra
Joined: Oct 2016
Sure, elves look more special than beautiful, my friend would even say 'ugly' but that is a design decision. Same goes for the clothing, mainly if it goes for both genders. I'm a man, so I like sexy women half naked to look at, but on the other hand the illogic can bother me. But in this case those decision are racial dependent and not gender so sexism can't really be taken into discussion.
What me and him bothers far more is this corpse eating stuff. It is an interesting mechanic, but he has two drawbacks. First it sounds more like something an undead would do, but not an elf. Second only one char can really profit from the gifted spells, or you need to save scum test and devide the parts accordingly.
Joined: Sep 2016
I can personally attest to this ;P I've also made liberal use of socks for filling.
Throw a shirt over it and I had myself a very nice set of B cup breasts using my girlfriends bra The interesting question is: did the patriarchy brainwash you into conforming to that particular beauty ideal or have you simply observed something about human interactions and decided to use the "game rules" to your benifit? ^^
Joined: Jan 2009
On these forums there have been amazingly long and tiresome flamefests about skimpy armors and high heeled boots. The 'Yay Skimpy' (YS) side usually ends up falling back onto a "if you complain about how the female characters are portrayed, you're engaging in CENSORSHIP and are therefore terrible".
This is a forum for the alpha. The developers have said that pretty much anything at all is still up for negotiation or change. Most of the players agree. The YS group's position though, is that the Alpha's artwork and portrayal must be set in stone. It must not be changed, it is SACRED and to change it is BLASPHEMY, CENSORSHIP. They are only doing this because the artists integrity is paramount in their minds, of course. The fact that they enjoy that art style is a complete coincidence.
Anyone who disagrees, who has a different preference for the art style is evil and committing CENSORSHIP. They must be shouted down and called names. They're trying to Destroy High Art. Remember, even though this is an alpha and basically anything can be changed, artwork is verboten, off-limits. The first impressions from the art must be preserved through the final version.
Any changes are not because the developers changed their minds on their own, or reconsidered what they wanted to do. Of course not. Everyone knows that in games development unlike gameplay coding features skills stats economy enemies, all of which require iteration, the first rough artwork is always final and always perfect. The first artwork never needs any improvements or changes. Even though the first impressions of gameplay and balance are usually in need of tweaks and changes, the first artwork always gives the exact impression intended by the artist and never should be changed.
If a developer ever does make changes, it's not because they decided that the impression that was received was different than that which was intended, or because they wanted to refine the art more. No. changes only happen because an evil cabal of nazi women ganged up to threaten the developers with consequences if they do not comply.
Joined: Aug 2003
Put me down in the camp of IDC (i don't care) or for more colorful language IDGAF (I don't give a fudge)
Can't we go back to discussing dialog and armor changes.
Not in the mood for cheese? That excuse has more holes than a slice this fine Gorgombert!
Joined: May 2015
does anyone know if you can make your elf breasts bigger? Like a slider option? Let's hope for mods. I'd welcome a nudemod as well.
Joined: Sep 2015
So if we drop all the I'm on this side and You're on that side, I think that what actually offends me more is this sentence from OP:
"A few women I have asked about this have been hugely disappointed and have opted to not buy this game or future Larian products."
Pathetic attempt at blackmail and specifically designed to lower any respect one might have harboured towards OP. Shame on you.
Great last words.
Oh no. Not again...
Joined: Sep 2016
So if we drop all the I'm on this side and You're on that side, I think that what actually offends me more is this sentence from OP:
"A few women I have asked about this have been hugely disappointed and have opted to not buy this game or future Larian products."
Pathetic attempt at blackmail and specifically designed to lower any respect one might have harboured towards OP. Shame on you. Let this thread die please. She got a lot of hate already. Take it easy on her. wanna cookie?
Joined: Sep 2016
Well... To be fair there are plenty of people who really really care if you believe in god, and there are people who really really care if you are an atheist (or a heathen). 
Joined: Sep 2016
I didn't notice any "hate". Perhaps you mean something different by that word, but when I think of comment hate I think of the kind of stuff you tend to find on youtube or in the chat of highly competetive PvP games. Stuff like "go die in a fire" and pointless stuff like that. Thankfully these forums seem to be a couple of notches above that type of comments.
Joined: Jan 2014
I didn't notice any "hate". Perhaps you mean something different by that word, but when I think of comment hate I think of the kind of stuff you tend to find on youtube or in the chat of highly competetive PvP games. Stuff like "go die in a fire" and pointless stuff like that. Thankfully these forums seem to be a couple of notches above that type of comments. The undercurrent of 'hatred' is pretty much here and throughout many threads that has any kind of debate you can pretty much tell that the civility is thinly veiled and discourse has long been poisoned. Hatred has many forms and there are more subversive expressions that are far more delicious to consume. It's actually a fun game to play (just as much as it is fun to go the opposite direction) which is to denigrate your opponents as much as possible all the while skirting the rules preventing you from being banned as a toxic fuck (even if you are being a toxic fuck). Usually, though, this does require you to stick to the subject matter at hand and provide some relevant snippets. How many people are here to learn and discuss? Very few. Though there's always a good chance that a lot of the people who genuinely want discourse on a given subject are pretty shit tier at writing even remotely academically so it immediately turns into a shit storm. Emotional content should probably come at the very end as a conclusion rather than the preamble.
Joined: Sep 2016
Nah, I reject that definition of "hatred". People harshly disagreeing with eachother, even making it contextually aparant that they dislike someone while still playing by the social rules of civility is not warranted to be labled as hate. That has no effect besides watering down a word that should hold strong connotations to be meaningfull.