Originally Posted by aj0413
All the above!



Also, I have a quality of life suggestion. There's tabs at the top of the inventory that filters items, right? I can filter by miscellaneous, by equipment, etc. But there seems to be one missing. You didn't have it in the first game, either, though it was such a highly requested feature. See, in DOS, my experience was that there was a merchant for every skill book type, and certain merchants sold additional goods, like how the Hydrosophist sold crafting supplies, or how the Fletcher sold special arrows. And I did all of my runs blind. I never touched a guide, and never will. But what I suspect was the topic of the niche, truly introspective and professionally written guides was the last and most important merchant: the cheese merchant.

Min maxing, you could buy approximately 5 wheels and two slices in any given hour/level up, quickly causing your inventory to fill with cheese. The feature I'm requesting is that we be able to sort by cheese, either to filter it out, or so that we can specifically select cheeses only, so as to peruse our collection. I am a hardcore roleplayer, and so I would often sit down at my desk with several varieties of cheese before me IRL, and I would waft their scents up to my nose as I browsed my assortment of different cheeses. Since you guys are really stepping up your game this time around, I can only assume that this game has several different varieties of cheese (each in their own assortment of individual flavors), and a bustling cheese economy that takes off once the second Act starts (to go along with the strategy of making the player feel deprived in the first Act), as well as, I can only hope, professionally voice acted cheese sound effects, for when you drop, attack or teleport cheese. I have sold all of my equipment, including equipped armor and weapons, in preparation to get a head start on the cheese economy in Act II. I personally feel the strategy is a little cheap, and could cause loyalty cascades later in the game, because as is common knowledge, "noone has as many friends as the man with many cheeses". I'm not sure whether or not enemies will turn on each other, brother against brother, wolf against wolf, once I start powergaming my cheese supply. Since I don't want to break the game, I'm going to start small, with brie and white cheddar. Hopefully, by the time my party is learning the second tier of source skills, I'll have saved up enough dosh for some Gorgombert, and can leverage that to my advantage by comboing a cheese wheel toss with an immediate delay turn into flee. but I'm not really sure if I'll manage to accumulate that much wealth, what with the game's economy looking like it does right now. That, and I'm concerned about the hard-coded limit on the inventory. I'm worried it might fill up with vendor junk and cheeses, but then again, no room for cheese? That excuse has more holes than a slice of this fine Gorgombert.