About the armor system (again, yeah...), I would like to dublicate a suggestion someone posted in the other forum as I consider it to be the perfect solution.
The system should be adjusted, so when you are receiving damage it is absorbed by armor, HOWEVER the percentage absorbed is equal to the current armor value compared to max armor value, and after that the status effect (if the skill had it) has a chance to fail (not land) equal to the current percentage of armor to your max armor. These can (and I think should) be capped at something like 10% and 90% (which means even on a full armored character you have a 10% to succesfully debuff, and only 90%, no 100%, to debuff a character without armor at all). And this can work out really well with status effects that can be anywhere from 10% to 300% (earthquake anyone?) basic landrate - then this landrate is multiplied by the abovesaid percentage.
Example. I use a 100 damage magic damage stun 100% debuff on a target with 200 magic armor. I do 90 damage to magic armor (90% absorbed, 110 magic armor left), 10% to vitality, and I have a 55% to land a stun (110/200=0.55 equals 55% multiplied by 100% of the basic stun rate).
To me it's rather simple, and almost genius in the mechanic.