I am talking about a new type of action point, gained possibly through a talent or spell, which is only usable to cast spells from a specific school and possibly diminishes at the end of the turn if not used. Some use cases can be such as:
Elemental Affinity (Talent): Gain a single elemental action point at the start of your turn depending on the surface you are standing in.
- Blood could also be included for witch.
- Could also be tied to DOS:EE spell school lv5 talents, which were kinda underwhelming.
Absorb Surface (Ability): Absorb certain surfaces beneath the character and gain points depending on the amount absorbed. Similar to blood spell.
- Separate spell for each surface.
Anger Management (Talent): Gain a single warfare point on your next turn upon receiving damage (possibly HP only).
- Could also function like What a Rush.
Warlord (Replacement Talent): Gain 2 scoundrel action points upon killing an enemy.
- Something tied to sneak may be better.
Not really sure how these would play with hybrid characters, they could be made incompatible to prevent abuse.
I believe this mechanic could be used to better identify the role of spell schools, like helping in differentiating the playstyle of a warrior from a scoundrel. Also it would give the player new combat options, leading to more decision making.