Joined: Sep 2016
Mustard top with purple pants isn't exactly the pinnacle of high fashion.
We can set our character's instrument, so why not a 'favorite color' - a color that applies to their outfit - to keep their ensemble consistent?
Dyes could then be used to change that, or to 'force' a certain item into a certain color.
Joined: Apr 2013
yes, yes, yes , yes... more yes!? my inner roleplayer cried when my healer was wandering around in the deep blue top and mustard colored skirt.
Joined: Sep 2016
All me yes! Although, I'd like to be able to pick two colors, since I'm a huge fan of white and gold. =)
Joined: Apr 2013
White and Pink or White and Silver here ^_^
Joined: Oct 2016
Dark/ocean blue, but the color mainly would depend on the chars I play. ^^
Joined: Jan 2014
White and Pink or White and Silver here ^_^ TYPICAL GENDER BIAS ENFORCED COLORS. Mustard top with purple pants isn't exactly the pinnacle of high fashion. ERA-ISM! THE 80'S WERE GOOD! All me yes! Although, I'd like to be able to pick two colors, since I'm a huge fan of white and gold. =) YOU WOULD. FILTHY 1%ER. Dark/ocean blue, but the color mainly would depend on the chars I play. ^^ YOUR CHOICES BELIES THE DARKNESS OF YOUR CHARACTER; YOU WOULD DROWN KITTENS IN AN OCEAN OF HATE.
Last edited by Limz; 05/10/16 01:26 AM.
Joined: May 2016
Best gear in slot added up to this look for my character: ![[Linked Image]](https://s18.postimg.org/5z2dwud9l/2016_10_05_022343.png)
Joined: Sep 2016
Favorite Color is a great idea. That, or a good way to get dyes. With how quick you cycle gear, you're really quickly gonna mind up weirdly matched and one or two random dyes on some vendors isn't gonna stop you from looking colorblind.
Joined: Sep 2016
White and Pink or White and Silver here ^_^ TYPICAL GENDER BIAS ENFORCED COLORS. Mustard top with purple pants isn't exactly the pinnacle of high fashion. ERA-ISM! THE 80'S WERE GOOD! All me yes! Although, I'd like to be able to pick two colors, since I'm a huge fan of white and gold. =) YOU WOULD. FILTHY 1%ER. Dark/ocean blue, but the color mainly would depend on the chars I play. ^^ YOUR CHOICES BELIES THE DARKNESS OF YOUR CHARACTER; YOU WOULD DROWN KITTENS IN AN OCEAN OF HATE. OH DEAR GOD MY SIDES
Joined: May 2013
Dyes being inconsequential gameplay wise for their pure aesthetic role could be made always available at some merchants, maybe even craftable. A system of multiple colours to be used on the same piece would hit the spot.
Unless otherwise specified, just an opinion or simple curiosity.
Joined: Oct 2016
Dark/ocean blue, but the color mainly would depend on the chars I play. ^^ YOUR CHOICES BELIES THE DARKNESS OF YOUR CHARACTER; YOU WOULD DROWN KITTENS IN AN OCEAN OF HATE. Surely not, I'm allergic! At least a little bit  At least to four legged ones, two legged is a different story. Even in DOS1 were dies, but I think they never worked? That was kind of sad 
Last edited by Kalrakh; 05/10/16 03:15 AM.
Joined: Sep 2016
Dark/ocean blue, but the color mainly would depend on the chars I play. ^^ YOUR CHOICES BELIES THE DARKNESS OF YOUR CHARACTER; YOU WOULD DROWN KITTENS IN AN OCEAN OF HATE. Surely not, I'm allergic! At least a little bit  At least to four legged ones, two legged is a different story. Even in DOS1 were dies, but I think they never worked? That was kind of sad The dyes in DOS1 worked, but only on certain things. Usually robes n' such. Also, they dyed a specific part, which you couldn't choose. =(
Joined: Sep 2016
It would be really great if they had something like in Pillars of Eternity where it was possible to select a prefered primary and secondary colour for each of your characters.
Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
I'll take black and silver please ;-)
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I'll take black and silver please ;-) I also tend to prefer the monochrome look, although I've recently been recolouring all my FO4 outfits pink-and-white thanks to the questionable influence of a friend. The vault suit actually looks quite fetching in bright pink with white stilettos. Obviously when I say "quite fetching" I mean "absolutely ludicrous", but y'know. I did spot some dyes for sale occasionally but was always too broke to try them out. They were a constant irritation in D:OS though, there were never enough that were the same colour but I often ended up with rather bizarre and vulgar-looking outfits if I didn't make some effort to dye them.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Sep 2016
Purple /silver and black /gold master race, reporting in. Didn't have too many issues with dyes in OS1, but having a dedicated dye trader somewhere this time would be really nice.
Joined: Mar 2013
id like that. right now many of the armors have colours that are rather striking and dont match up with each other very well.
Joined: Jun 2014
Colour dyeing would be cool, Fable 2 did the same thing.
Joined: Sep 2016
I'd like more control over colors overall, especially in character creation. I was so let down that you couldn't change something like eye color, tattoo/scars or stuff like that.
Joined: Sep 2016
Don't care about gear, what I want to apply dyes to are my spells! Pink fireballs all the way! 