And all the other roles that I have taken through the first game and now this one.
Heres the deal... I have been playing the the first OS with a friend, and plan on doing the same thing with this game.
He was always the DPS/stealther/detonator/barter
I was always the Tank/healer/primer/crafter
This means that I always had tons of time in town and on wiki trying to figure out what i could even make out of all of these mats that we gather. Like 80% of the time we were either looking for mats in our bags or walking around trying to steal what we needed.
There has to be a more simple way Larian... I love what you are doing, but its hard for my team mate to stand by for like 30 minutes every time we enter a town just because i have to rearange all my mats every time :P
(just gonna copy/paste my post from steam because I'm not gonna retype all of this again xD)So I have played through D:OS 1 twice and enhanced 1 time... I am fully aware that this is early alpha and thus a lot of things are subject to change. wich is also why im pleading it now.
Besides the bugs that needs to be fixed and content that arent even in the game yet, I have a few "suggestions" that would Relly ease the life of many of the adventures that we have. My main issue has to be the bag and storage system.
1: Let me smart sort my bags even more efficiently
(cant actually remember if this was a part of the first game, sorry)
I love the "highlight category" option in the bags. Relly helps out when you want to gear up all your companions or when you are looking for lockpicks.
That said id love to be able to auto sort by category, so that i can sort all my items in my bags with one puch of a button. Like sort by weight (hate looking thrhough bags for that one item weighing 150 kilos that i picked up an hour ago by accident) so that i can sell only all the heavy stuff and explore on swiftly. Or by item type. So that all weapons and armour is first, then grafting mats and then notes and so on
2: Recipies:
I like the idea about the experiment option, and i'm aware that limited recipies are in the game currently, but come on... Why do I have to cross test every item like 100 times just to see what i can get out of it o.O
Why not make it so that when you insert an item in one of the two boxes all other items that can be combined with it are highlighted (also skips the part where you search for 1/120 items some where in the bags)
Also maybe make an entirely seperate experiment page for every time you pick something new up. When you do that it will notify you that new experiments are avavible from your inventory just showing what you just picked up. And maybe 2 of the recipies that you have the mats will be shown for and leave like 20 blank slots for stuff you havent seen yet...
3: Buffs and debuffs:
(slight spoilers here and dont know how to turn those black bars on sorry)
When im i was playing with a friend we encountered the shriekers, and since i regonised the buff from D:OS1 i calmy stood back and saw my friend drop into confusion since he was now battling a 1 hit immune monster. I knew what was going on, and I knew that we had to approach this diffrently, but some1 new, or maybe not as used to this game might not know this.
We need an easier way to look at buffs or debuffs (maybe something like Xcom2 does it with a bar in the corner or a drop down window on highlighting enemies).
4: City guidance help
You know that feeling when you are looking to buy that one skill that you been saving up for, only to run in the wrong direction for 30 secs because you spun your camera around to inspect something?
Yeah... That happens...
This is mainly to my own stupidity i confess. But can i please have a map select for, like a warfare trainer or a rich vendor and then I manually mark it on the map afterwards? Maybe it could even suggest the route on the map when pressed so that you can see if you run through that undead encampment on the way.
Please larian xD?
5: Maybe a destroy gear option?
Okay we all know what gonna happen when the game launches. We got the sneakies looting everything... All thats not boltet to the floor are all of a sudden gone, and happens to appear at a random merchant later on.
At some point we will have so much cash and so much loot, that all we can do is hope that the RNG gods are in our favour.
Can we please maybe get a feature to break down crap gear for spare materials and magic materials for enchanting (if thats going to be a feature)
The are just suggestions and ideas that would make some things WAY easier inside the game. And to be fair i love the community wikis on crafting and forums... But i donw want to switch back and forth to cross refference what i can create or cant create. I would love to have that "OOOoohhh shiny" feeling inside the game instead of looking it up, and then looking around for some item that i know should be in the area, just because a wiki told me to :P
Keep being awsome guys ^^
most of these suggestions was taken in positively, and a few was taken in with some tweaks... As long as you just look at it and think about another way of doing this, I call that a win