Both D:OS and D:OS II are games full of consumables. They are primarily intended as a mean to fill the holes in your character build, to allow all kind of characters to access any magic effect of the game, and - considering that magic effects are useful both in and out combat - they are pretty much essential.
This is probably the reason why ending a normal playthrough without a shitload of food, potions, scrolls, grenades and special arrows is kinda impossible, even not considering the crafting in the picture: There is no space limit in your inventory and the weight limit is extremely generous. Also, the loot tables seem to be FILLED with consumables, to the extreme.
Now, if the overabundance of consumables is a relative issue, easy to solve with a little of tuning in the loot tables (and please, Larias, do something about that), the real issue to me is actual utility and power of the various consumable categories: that is, most of them are broken (too weak or too strong) and all of them are too easy to use in combat.
Let's see what I'm talking about in details:
Food: pretty much useless. Negligible effects and ridiculous durations. Also eating during a battle seems kind of lame.
Honestly, the only games where I can see the purpose of food are the ones with robust survival mechanics, but - given that food is already in D:OS - I would redesign it as follows: food gives characters a strong buff that lasts for several rounds (two or even more encounters) paired with an equal debuff. The most complicated recipes have stronger buffs then debuffs. Food can't be eaten during combat and food effects are not stackable. This way eating could become an interesting strategic choice.
Potions: Healing and cure aside, potions look like the dumb brothers of spells. They have decent effects, minimum AP cost but short duration. Potions in my opinion should be somewhat different from spells and definitelly more intersting to use than now: I propose to extend their effects up to 6-8 rounds and counter that by doubling their AP cost and by introducing a cooldown mechanic (1 potion per round).
Scrolls: Copy-pasted spells but a little bit weaker, given that, as far as I know, they don't get any bonus from stats/skills/traits.
I'd leave them as they are, except for the same cooldown mechanic I proposed for potions.
Grenades and special arrows: Utterly OP at the beginning of the game, then they lost part (but not all) of their appeal. They should definitely be nerfed (by increasing their AP cost or adding a cooldown or both, and - in case of grenades -by reintroducing the chance to miss). It would be cool to have their effectiveness somewhat tied to the character stats (finesse) skills (huntman for arrows, scoundrel/warfare for grenades) and traits. This way they could scale in power with your PC.
Alternatively, some of the expedients I've suggested in order to limit the spam of consumables could be replaced by an elegant quick item bar, something along the line of to the memory bar. In other words, you should be able to use a limited number of consumables during combat at the normal AP cost. Alternatively you can use any other consumable in your backpack doubling its AP cost.
Last edited by Baudolino05; 06/10/16 08:21 PM.