Originally Posted by BlueGuy
I've had another idea for a talent

Displaced Image
An ability to displace your image up to three feat from its location. Could be useful in combat or for a nefarious rogue to distract. The image cannot perform any action itself and will disappear if attacked or interacted with.

Talents are passive. I did make some Talent suggestions for DOS 1 which had Talents granting you a skill, but I've made a conscious decision to avoid those this time. This suggestion is clearly an active skill.

Originally Posted by Swedley of Smeg
How about:

Your first Weapon switch per turn costs no AP


Neat idea.

Originally Posted by cool-dude01
" Death Thrall"

a talent that turns the enemies you kill into zombies that fight for you, and the type of damage they do determines the kind of damage the zombie does.

This talent would require a medium to high number of points into Necromancy, as it would be intended to be a mid to late game talent choice.

Tricky. Adding extra allied bodies to the field could be incredibly helpful if only for distraction purposes, but it could rapidly become unbalanced if the percent chance of creating a zombie is too high.