All I want is something like this: A) Kills 3 NPC's gets 100x3=300xp. B) Don't kill one NPC but talk your way out = 300xp. C) Talk your way out = 300xp, kill the 3 NPC's after = 0xp
Friend kills two NPC's from extreme range using stealth, last NPC questions me about it, then resets. Then, I talk my way out of it. 2x100xp + 1x300xp = 500xp.
This would be perfectly okay if, Each kill gave 75XP and the talking your way out of it was 300XP. Guy who gives no shits kills all three. Gets 225 XP Guy who thinks, maybe there is a way out of this and works for it gets 300XP. Guy who thinks, I'm suave enough to talk my way out of this, succeeds and gets 300XP, then decides he likes the one of the guys bling and kills them for it. 525XP.