Do not read after this line if you have not Played Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Version.
One of the great Characters and stories in Original Sin Enhanced was Johan's story. It was great to go through
and learn his whole story but it also failed for being fleshed out.
Please don't make that mistake with the characters in your new Original Sin game.
Johan story could have been amazing! In that game you could have had the characters go to where Johan's Palace used to be, you could have had the characters learn clues to where the demon might be.
Maybe you learn of another king who is 100's of years old some where the first clue.
First thinking it is because of a star stone that this king has lived so long you decide to check it out, but later learn he made a deal with a demon.
Ironically that same demon is Johan's demon he has been searching for for 1000's of years. (just one example of fleshing that out)
There was just so much that could have been done with Johan's story. I just hope you guys have learned something from Original Sin Enhanced in that regard.
Now I thought Original Sin Enhanced was Amazing! I clocked and unbelievable 220 hours into it, doing everything I could in that world. I truly enjoyed it.
There was just a lot that could have been taken further, way further, Johan's story for instance.
How adult is Original Sin 2 going to be, how dark? It looks pretty dark as I watch the many youtube videos on it.
Remember even Ultima 7 had nudity in it and adult themes.
I think the Elves should be naked or at least topless, there should be some gore style kills(head chopped off final kill maybe), and I think many adult situations and themes should be in the game as suggestive themes.
Also I hope you guys add more physics to characters in battle. Characters being thrown through the air, knocked way back etc.
Music make sure you guys have more dark cues. Even doing things like a film cue, where dark harmony plays or minor second strings play when the(conversation and circumstance requires it to fit the mood) just a minor triad under a situation is enough.
Add some harder percussion shots in the battle theme like taiko drums or something to spice it up a bit, it's rather flat sounding. Over all I am sure the music will work fine. Just how much of a different ethnic variety are you going for though.
Look forward to seeing your game shape up as it is released some time in Late 2017! Original Sin 2 Enhanced?
I will be watching the many other youtube vids that appear as you add more to the early access.