*shrug* It's gonna get worse. In the stretch goal, people voted to add Summoner and Polymorph instead of skill trees like Juggernaut and Bard

Honestly. Even if people voted against adding them in as skill trees it would be very lovely if the skill diversity for other archetypes was there and the skills were just divided amongst the three trees there currently. A poor work around, but I don't know if they'd be willing to go against the kickstarter stretch goal votes to add in different skill trees then those voted for

It should be mentioned that the "MIGHT" classes currently supported are really really strong and only get stronger by hybridization other skill types for utility/buffs/CC/debuffs

On the other hand, mage types are strongly encouraged to diversify in order to make maximum effectiveness.

Sorta like giving less Might options but making each individual skill much more powerful in recompense

The combat abilities themselves need lots of work though cause warfare is hardly appealing, scoundrel is the best all round for every physical type character, the defensive abilities are very lack luster, and while huntsman is alright it relies on environment terrain to make best use of it for elevation.

Last edited by aj0413; 10/10/16 03:33 AM.