In most RPG games, the warrior is more defined by what he is wearing/carrying than what his 'skills' are.

I think:
that some of the suggested shield boosts would make for some diversity in that they might allow a tank type.
that ready access to magic schools for all warriors is a fun allows for diverse 'themes' (allowing arcane warriors/ battle mages/firey juggernauts etc)
that more of the magic skill trees should include 'strike' or similar type skills.
that 1h/2h/dual wield balance changes would allow for more diverse choices as well. As currently 2h is the go to for all warrior skills.
that significant diversity can be found within talents if done properly.*
Finally, that the polymorph skills should have an aspect of melee or a melee type focus.

For talents:
defensive specialist: while wearing a shield, every time you are attacked reduces cool downs on -specific skills-
1 hand focused: While wearing nothing in your offhand, Increase 1 hand damage by x% and item stats by x%
Duelist: While equipped with two weapons, counterattack the first melee attack against you by each opponent.
My ground: The first time an enemy advances within x of you for the first time in a round. Advance to melee range with them.