"As a polymorpher, your body is your oyster. Grow sharp as swords horns, poisonous tenticles(with longer reach) or even wings to carry you across the battlefield. You can even change completely into - what? Something monstrous, that's for sure..."

Yeah dawg that's magic. I never liked the voting on skills in the first place, because every skill that got in is now at a massive disadvantage: It got in. Every other skill now gets to be thought of as perfect and filling wonderful roles. That's game development, sure, but opening it up to the players means the players now get to dream about what could've been instead of just wondering what could be next. It also means everyone who's voted tree didn't get in remains sour about it, and looks back at it each time thinking "man if only more people thought like me."

And no, the entire playerbase didn't vote on it. The best they could've hoped for was a representative sample of backers, and that is not the population of the playerbase. The kind of people who back games on kickstarter aren't the kind of people who pick up a game on release, there's differences.

Either way, the character I want to play is already in here. It's the character I know other people would like to play. I think there's just not enough variety for people who want to be a non-magic based hero.

Last edited by Grondoth; 11/10/16 03:20 AM.