The only setting in which a traditional repair system does anything at all for a game in the positive is for MMOs or other games where economy is a strong factor. The effects on gameplay are a few mindless button presses and light menuing from time to time which, IMO, games should really be striving to force as little of on the player as possible without sacrificing gameplay. (which removing repairs does not)

That being said, this is a game that tries to emulate games (like DnD) that try to emulate a fantasy setting in a believable manner. Repairing your equipment from time to time is a believable problem to have. It purely a matter of opinion as to whether or not this is "good" but it barely effects anyone so no real pressing need to change it in my book.


And before anyone says anything about repairs not being in DnD, the mending spell exists for a reason. :P

Last edited by Kilroy512512; 16/10/16 11:15 PM.

Chaotic neutral, not chaotic stupid.