Originally Posted by Surrealialis
Some of this could be mitigated by having a standard point spread or pseudo/randomized character stats. But I feel many would dislike those decisions being taken out of their hands.

Originally Posted by Naqel

There is no decision being taken out of the player's hands though.
It's just being front-loaded to the beginning of the game.
Realistically, none of the flaws you mention really apply.

You took that slightly out of context, the statement is directly referring to a standard point spread or pseudo/randomized stats instead of a full point buy or custom.

Originally Posted by Naqel

-You need a basic understanding of the game mechanics when creating your characters anyway, and everything you need is explained at creation to the extent necessary.

This is not a counter argument to allowing character development. I would also argue that what you need to know is not explained at character creation to a necessary extent. Front loading takes two things away:
Character development - i.e. I can't work out a lot and become stronger.
Changing my mind: After I've distributed stat points, I should not have to wait 10+ hours to decide I wanted a slightly different distribution (at some point was your argument). At each level up I can make those decisions as they come. And, if I'm making this decision regularly (i.e. at every level up) I don't have to spend numerous levels as you have falsely claimed.

Originally Posted by Naqel

-Course correction is actually easier, because it's only a matter of finding the right gear, rather than taking numerous levels to boost a previously neglected stat to match the rest(and the point is largely moot anyway, since the game will likely provide the ability to reset the character build at some point).

No it isn't. The point is not moot if you eventually get a respec option (which cheapens the experience if used too freely. Correcting with equipment is also a cheapening of the experience. Why should a belt of Giant strength matter more than my character's decision to do something about his physical fitness? Course correction is not easier if you have to rely on outside anything. Don't start tweaking every other system to suit this one.
"Changing my mind: After I've distributed stat points, I should not have to wait 10+ hours to decide I wanted a slightly different distribution. At each level up I can make those decisions as they come. And, if I'm making this decision regularly (i.e. at every level up) I don't have to spend numerous levels correcting as you have falsely claimed."

Originally Posted by Naqel

-It takes no enjoyment out of leveling at all, since a vast majority of the interesting decisions in that regard is made not in the stats tab, but in the talents one.
I disagree, and since that is completely your opinion we are allowed to disagree here.
[quote=Naqel] On the contrary, by making a stat gain more scarce and more meaningful, it actually boosts the satisfaction from gaining a point.

But you just made the argument for no stat gains - which is very different from scarce stat gains. In addition you just stated you want items to fix the problems a static system would generate which would make a rare stat gain near meaningless if I can just swap my gloves to get the build I want.

As I said, a static system may be an improvement from current but I argue that it is far from optimal.

Last edited by Surrealialis; 17/10/16 06:33 PM.