Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Side note: I changed the color of the bolded text on the OP. Let me know if that makes it stand out too much. It's supposed to stand out, but I don't know if it's making it harder to read now. I felt like just bolding text wasn't noticeable enough. I was expecting something actually garish.  It works well and is quite subtle, and if anything makes it a little easier to read. I guess probably because it serves its purpose which is to stand out, but just a little. That's with both the "Larian" and "Divinity2" schemes: I still use the latter in spite of it looking a bit dated; as much as I'd like to claim "because I don't like change", actually I just find it slightly easier on the eyes. Hmm, I seem to have built an extension on your tangent.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Aug 2015
Crossed out a couple of items based on today's patch notes. I'll remove them after someone tests them for verification.
Joined: Sep 2015
version 3.0.15 (not sure if this was before) - When you use a weapon and the level of the weapon is higher than your own level, you get a penalty to accurancy. - Crossbows now use 3AP while bows use 2 AP. I found a crossbow and was happy about the bigger numbers, but in combat I found out that I can only attack once per turn. (of course, at that point I had already sold my bow). - I think the 3AP are also true for some skills (like the one where you hit several targets, ricochet?) but not for special arrows. I think crossbows used 2AP too before the last patch. Could somebody please confirm this, I am not 100% sure.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2014
Yes, crossbows and skills with them use 3 AP now. I kind of like it, though it does make them feel really slow and kind of annoying to use. But if you craft a lot of elemental arrows (which do use 2 AP), they can be pretty strong. Also probably good to learn a bunch of 1 AP spells to take advantage of that extra AP you'll have every turn if you basic attack.
Joined: Aug 2015
You cam steal skill books, other items from NPCs (i tried it in the main prison camp) by getting them in a conversation with one of your characters then clck on another character with sneaking, go behind the npc, activate sneaking and proceed to loot.  After some consideration, I added this to the list, after all. I decided that whether or not I considered it to be an exploit was irrelevant, as, either way, it's still something you can do in the game, and as long as Larian decides to leave it in, it's up to the player as to whether or not they want to use it. Larian did decide that being able to learn abilities of types you haven't spent any skillpoints on was an exploit, and thus removed it, and I had that listed. Also, it's probably better if I don't act elitist about... anything, really. Nobody wants to agree with an elitist.
Joined: Sep 2016
Since they still psychically know that they've been robbed it doesn't really seem to much like an exploit, only thing you are removing is the chance they'll turn around and catch you. Most players I'm sure are going to have a hell of a time dealing with this when the game releases because they'll be under the impression they can loot like crazy and all they have to do is make sure the npc doesn't see them.
This of course may get changed completely before release as we've seen a ton of people constantly complaining about psychic npcs and guards. Larian seems to listen to us quite a lot, even if they don't make it known, so I think we'll definitely see some stealing changes before release.
Right now stealing is in the weirdest spot I think it could possibly be in as it is difficult to reach a point where a character can steal enough to justify using your one and only chance to steal from that npc along with stealing being the primary and nearly only way to make enough gold to outfit your party currently.
And another thing I didn't see listed on the list, if you want to add it, is that you can park a character far away from guards and when you steal just throw the stuff in their inventory and let the npc check your other characters. Stops them from searching and you don't get into any trouble.
Joined: Oct 2016
Larian did decide that being able to learn abilities of types you haven't spent any skillpoints on was an exploit, and thus removed it, and I had that listed. This was a good call on their part I think. It wasn't intuitive, removed much of the impact of point distribution, and forced a lot of my playthroughs to have seemingly odd builds until certain +1 skill boost items were found. However, it's still possible to learn a large number of skills with no investment via Corpse Eating.
Joined: Jan 2009
However, it's still possible to learn a large number of skills with no investment via Corpse Eating. Consider it a benefit of the perk. The only alternative to leaving that feature of Corpse Eater in that I can think of would be a message saying "you can't eat this without a point into X school" and you keep the part for later.
Joined: Sep 2016
However, it's still possible to learn a large number of skills with no investment via Corpse Eating. Nah, you can only learn 3 cheap skills. First-aid from the elf woman, levitate from the dead Magister by the witch and burn your eyes from the head on a stick. It might be worth it (depending on your build) but the racial skill is a better reason to choose elf than 150 gold worth of skills - especially as levitate is not required for anything and a waste of a memory slot. I think so anyway - until Lizard can do the shed-skin you keep going on about I'm sticking with elf ...
Joined: Dec 2016
Nah, you can only learn 3 cheap skills. You can learn fortify and armor of frost too. I guess later in the game you'll be able to learn more powerful spell this way too.