Originally Posted by Avilyss
There's also a precedent for Elven cannibalism in the Bosmer of Elder Scrolls, though it is handled differently (the Green Pact and so on).

That was my thought too. Though it has to be said that the bosmer male is the most despicable of any videogame character type. Except for the chap outside of Skingrad who was obsessed with cheese. The cheese obsession obviously playing no part in that assertion. Probably.

Okay, I mostly just hated Maglir. And Glarthir.

Originally Posted by Avilyss
Personally I have found it to be a neat trait afforded the Elves of Divinity and it is done quite artfully.

I also like it a lot. Well obviously I don't like the thing in itself, but I like it as an idea that both challenges our sensibilities and opens up some interesting story opportunities.

J'aime le fromage.