Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by aj0413

Not really a complaint. More a statement of fact on the effort the individual puts in. You could equate it to the same effort as picking up every stone, plate, sea shell, ect .. in game for that extra 200 gold from all the junk value.

I find it silly people are complaining that someone has the choice to do such. Would an extra 200 gold make that big a difference? Should someone not be rewarded for the tedious task upon completion? Should they not even have the option?

You can certainly go ahead and gather all those 1 gold items... but you can't reasonably then go and complain that it takes too long and isn't very profitable.

I didn't complain at all. I fail to see why you seem to think I am. I'm pointing out the amount of tedious work put in for small/negligible long term gains being a legitimate player choice and that these situations are comparable, yet no one here has complained about the 'unfair' advantage the example I provide gives over players unwilling to do the same for whatever reasons they want to give.

In point of fact, it was part of the complaints concerning repairing and why the 'repair all' button was swung about a bit before discussion of just removing it or changing it came about.

I could dig up the posts mentioning such if you'd like. Hell, when I pointed out it was only a second of work and a repair all would shrink that further. The accumulated wasted time was the counter thrown at me.

That is less relevant than the fact that if repair was more meaningful, people would be less inclined to complain about it.

To pretend that the complaints are only about the time it takes, and ignoring the larger issue is being disingenuous.

I didn't pretend nothing nor did I ignore anything. I merely pointed to the hypocrisy of those in this thread who didn't want to give value to the time a player spends killing NPCs because it 'takes only a few minutes per battle.'

Then we move onto the fact that you apparently want meta gaming to be a developer concern in an rpg....that's asking for the world on a silver platter. It's infeasible, impractical, and everyone here seems to be targeting a specific playstle cause its in direct contrast to their own and these solutions hold little impact on them overall.


That's my point: the game is balanced and that balance can be broken, but that's not necessarily a bad thing (1) since its a legit play style and (2) the difference hardly matters much in the grand scheme (refering to my 200 gold comparison).

More ridiculousness. You personally like the exploit and see no problems, so of course in your mind any time spent looking at them is to you wasted time.

You've yet to convince me the exploit is wrong. Remember that it's your side trying to validate your reasons and that a problem exists. So, convince me that the exploit is wrong.

Also, it's less an exploit and more actual role playing: it's called deception. Wringing out things to get as many gains as possible from NPC interactions is within the realms of an RPG.

I actually saw nothing wrong with save-scumming loot. *shrug* Larian can choose what they care about or not. But I feel that had more to do with discouraging it since you can still save scum the loot seed if you know how.

Which goes back to my point of 'discourage, but not impossible.'

I also see nothing wrong with the exploit you mentioned. You worked out how to successfully do the charisma trigger and then actually had combat where they could defend themselves.

I didn't have much of an issue with save-scumming loot either, although I only did it in a few specific places where a chest always dropped a spellbook, and I tried to get ones which fit characters in my party and which I did not have.

I disagree with you that there is nothing wrong with the exploit. The players have a choice to make: whether to fight or to talk. The choice should matter.

What if, for example, there was an easy exploit which allows players to say duplicate items, so they can buy everything with tens of thousands to spare.

Do you believe that the devs would have no business fixing that item-duping exploit?

The choice should matter. You seem to be willfully ignoring my suggested fix to this: Reputation = karma, one, and, two, more rewards in the realm of being good, such that there are actual losses to simply killing someone. This can come in the form of many things other than exp.

The choice and consequences shouldn't be to fight or talk, but seen in the light of: to help them or help myself? to kill them or help them?

Making these choices more long term impactful beyond the immediate exp (ie Reputation) is an elegant solution to giving greater weight to choice and consequence.

Also, the problem with your example is that it has no conceivable upper limit and can therefor just keep widening the gap between players.

The current system has a defined upper limit and the gap between that hard cap and the soft cap most players will reach is small.



You're arguing to unilaterally punish one play style instead of rewarding the other.

I wouldn't say that. I am arguing against giving undeserved rewards, such as 700 XP for the easy-to-overwhelm-with-4:1- turn-ratio Silent Monks, and deliberately exploiting the game to try get double rewards by talking an enemy out of combat (gaining XP) and then fighting them (gaining XP)

1) You've yet to convince me double rewards are a dev concern explicitly
2) I've given a handy-dandy point of agreement on raising combat level, to match exp value and level, in some form
3) You shouldn't be thinking on how to make double dipping impossible but on how to make it discouraged so that long term costs outweigh immediate gains (ie karma system)

Changing exp for kill is bad, there are better ways to solve this perceived problem without infringing on such a basic and intuitive mechanic. I've given some points on how to resolve this situation(s); review them, think on them, and then try and come back to me and explain how you dislike them.

Debating with me on the fact that I find the existence of this thread sill, instead of the input I gave in response to said thread, isn't really accomplishing much.

Last edited by aj0413; 19/10/16 12:31 AM.