Originally Posted by Lar
A couple of quick notes:

-An EA patch is not a reflection of where we stand with development but rather a list of things that were cherry picked because they are ready enough to be tried out. We try to avoid including things that are broken because they are being worked on. That doesn't mean we're not working on them. E.G. We have a development track running which fundamentally changes everything related to the camera but it's going to take some time before that's ready.
-A lot of the feedback on stats systems has already been incorporated but aren't part of this patch - they should be in the next one though. We're now play testing to see how it feels. There are quite some radical changes in there.
-The repair consumables are a try-out & you'll see us try a few others ideas in that area. We want repair in there to associate a cost with bashing in things etc... A consumable equates it to a gold investment. The idea has sufficient merit to try out.
-It took us quite some time to get this one ready, more than we actually wanted but that had lot to do with us changing our entire server infrastructure . We'll try to shorten the patch release cycle in the future.

I assume that the next patch which changes the stat systems will be save-game incompatible with this version? Right. Yes. Of course it will be. In that case, I think I'll wait for radical changes.

I don't want to play too much and burn out.


I do wonder though if using Bedrolls no longer outright kills players with the Zombie talent, and while Zombies are no longer harmed by the Necromancer passive, I also wonder if they are now healed by it properly.