I also really like that freedom to decide myself what to do with my own skills.
I already loved rage as a debuff in DOS1. Rage+AbsorbElements+CrackedArmor was the only way to significantly reduce an enemies armor.
It was also a great touch that you could use the rage effect that way only with certain weapons and not the skill.
The only letdown that destroyed this use almost entirely was the (I feel like I may have mentioned that "now and then" here already...^^) that god damn awful RNG. As with a limited amount of content there was no guaranty to get such a weapon. So no way to plan for it.

So I'm for keeping the possibility to place a rage on the enemy, just for the sake of diversion, BUT reduce the debuff side, as it is both too strong right now as a debuff and too bad as a buff.

That said, I really loved, and still love, that skill for it's diversive duality!
So Larian, make good (and with that I mean a bit better than right now) use of that potential!

Last edited by Seelenernter; 23/10/16 12:45 PM.

Think for yourself! Or others will do it...