I do like the versatility of rage being a good debuff, but it is a bit weird thematically that warriors have the best debuff in the game. Even -50% resistances would be pretty damn strong, and 100% crits is just redonkulus no matter what debuffs it has.

Some ideas:

-Simplest: 50% crit chance, -50% resistances. Still probably too good, but not absurdity on either end.

-Other simple solution is self-rage only, but still extremely good when enemies are all CC'd. Could also be self or ally buff only.

-Triples or quadruples crit chance instead of giving a flat amount, so it would synergize with a high crit chance instead of mostly negating its need.

-Resistance loss should probably be more physical resistances, or loss of armor, imo. Just weird it would reduce magical resistances.

-Resistances could also do something like "Brings physical resistances below 50 or 75 to 0." Or it halves resistances, or something. Some way where it'd be good for negating any defenses a character has, but characters with low defenses already aren't going to be affected by it as much. So raging an enemy mage isn't going to do as much to harm them, since they're not gaining the advantages of crits anyway.

-Cures CC and grants immunity to all hard CC for the turn. Wouldn't just be able to rage a stunned enemy and wail on them, though this obviously makes it an insanely good buff for your allies too. (would have to go with crit chance and resistance nerfs, I think).

-Add a movement speed buff if crit chance is lowered a lot.

A warlord nerf is in order as well. Maybe only +1 AP, but kills also heal you and/or boost your movespeed?