Originally Posted by Grondoth
Electoral College the vote. We don't need a tree that seemed to be "you can do anything the other trees can do sorta but you manipulate your body" and we certainly don't need a tree for summoning. We got something called Necromancy that currently just has the defining abilities of "be creepy," make that the heavy summon tree. Put in more physical options. Hell, redo the vote with those options out of it!

I also agree with this.

There's also the fact that, well, all the elemental classes have their own summons as well. Just how many summon spells do they plan to have?

And if the idea behind summoner skills is to buff existing summons or allow more than one? Make a talent and/or put such things in Necro, the tree of life/death, since it'd make sense for a necromancer to rely on summons

necro/earth had the most summons in the last game and that made sense since it involves being in tune with nature and/or life....divy up the planned summoner skills between them?

Last edited by aj0413; 24/10/16 01:24 AM.