Hello there, here my small contribution:
On intel i5 and ATI, gog version AE3.0.7.398 (on win7 64bits)
-name input bug, the cursor return to the beginning of the input field after 3 letters, you have to move the input cursor, same when you erase.
(-clothes texture bug)
-return to desktop and game closure after the intro, have to skip to launch the first loading.
(-helmet hiding feature bug, toon goes bald)
-cannot end a turn if not with the right character selected (is it a bug?)
(-no facial features during character creation)
-camera bug on high place (you have to recenter by double clicking on character to see him)
-character "warp" and polygons bugs sometimes when climbing ladder and using a teleportation spell (mostly phœnix dive), can also create artifact-like pixels at the original place.
-transition bug when the dragon knight shape-shift into its dragon form again : lag in the dragon spawning and appear inanimate until dialog end.
-some freezes during some loadings and savings.

I'd like to have all the dialogs in the battle box as you cannot see some : like when you eat flesh with an elf and don't close the inventory windows or you are elsewhere on the map.
Also 'hope to see the dual buns hairstyle makes its rightful comeback in D: OS2!

'going to try it on my old quad and ati 7970 to see if some of these bugs are there too.

'hope this help.