Originally Posted by smokey
@Stabbey: ah, it's yourself. You seem to have a toxic obsession with any comment I make on this forum.


There's no entertainment value in clicking on a bedroll! Do you get it? It's a computer game - I play the thing to entertain myself.

There's no entertainment value in needing to walk through entity-free terrain either. So should all encounters be placed right next to each other?

If one single click is enough to make you go "OH GOD I'M BORED OUT OF MY SKULL", that is your own problem. The player does not need a constant stream of entertainment every half second to maintain interest.

The battles are entertaining - manual-healing after combat is not. I've never used this moronic bedroll - and don't intend to either. The heal spell brings them all back to 100% after the fight, and all I'm saying is that it's damned boring to do it, so why not just auto-heal them instead?

That's right man, take a stand against the power of the one-click full-heal KEEPING YOU DOWN! Fight the power!

The bedroll was almost certainly added because in D:OS 1, people complained about needing to use the healing spell to top everyone up after combat. The bedroll, is, by any accounts, an improvement. And you are not using it because even that one single click is too much for you to handle?