It wasn't removed, and is still planned to be added after controller support is added. The tweet saying it is 'not planned at the moment' I assume was referring just to the alpha/beta period. I double checked on the details, and it has not been removed as a planned feature.
If it is referred to alpha/beta period only, that's awesome. Would be great if Swen, or someone else from your crew, could specify it in one of the next videos, just to make things clear and relieve some guys like myself from major b*tthurt
Well, Swen was the one who answered my question (in the company chat) about why split screen was not currently planned, by stating it would be added after controller support is done (after release).
I do wish this would be re-prioritized though. A lot of energy goes into the back and forth for a (needed??) new stat system, why is no energy spent on local splitscreen coop ??
The main reason for a later priority on local split screen from my understanding is that it requires other systems to be completed first.
For local co-op they need the controller GUI to be completed. For the controller GUI they need the standard GUI to be completed. Finally for the standard GUI to be completed they need all the game systems to be implemented, which is not the case yet. A short list off the top of my head; crafting, game Master, skills, ect.