I've bought this game in EA just to play local coop, like in D:OS EE, to play it with my girlfriend. Wasn't paying attention, that it wasn't planned in EA, but then realised it was planned for the full release, so had a relief and waiting.
Now I guess I can't ask for a refund anyway, but I don't think I'll play D:OS2 at all and will recommend not to buy it to any of my friends, if the situation stays this way. Sorry Larian.
I know Divinity will have a fun and entertaining storyline to even solo through it, but it's just a principle because of this huge letdown. Demolished expectations at the least.

If you are so disturbed about couch coop and competitive questing not tying in quite well, make couch 2-player max, with the option to join an online game with some other 2 players, and just play competetively as team1 and team2. Or just to just stay offline and play coop good ol' fashioned way. I've played over 200+ hours D:OS EE this way, and had tons of fun. Don't cancel your marvel of an idea yourself, FFS.

Otherwise, this game is definetely a NO-NO for me.

Last edited by JJ_Judge; 21/11/16 05:42 PM.