I still believe, even after playing this patch, that the armor system NEEDS to be complemented by a Saving Throw system, like the other game.
So, I took a long break from the game and forums to let patches and changes roll in. So, is the armor system basically unchanged? (I've been arguing for this since I first got the game, but I wanted to to see if how they might change it in updates)
I noticed someone mentioned increased numbers for AI, how's that feeling?
Anyway. I like that they took notice of our beef with the defence stats. Does leadership only effect companions? If so, I'd argue against placing it with the other defensive combat ability. Not really much of a defense for the guy using it. Changing it so it effects the user and allies would help. Also maybe changing the name to reflect that change

I'll probably mosey back around to playing with the game to see the new changes in action sometime soonish.