Joined: Dec 2016
[quote=Irons]Ranged weapons (bows&crossbows) haven't received an additonal skill. Is it just not yet in the game or will ranged weapon don't get an automatic skill? [/quote]
Joined: Jan 2009
Bug: If you empty a container (so its name changes to "[Container] (Empty)"), then its state is saved as empty. This means if you place something into a container you have already emptied, then leave the cell (the local area where actors and containers states are actively monitored), and then return, that container which had your stuff in it will be empty.
Joined: Aug 2003
bug: right click identify does not use an magnifying glass
Not in the mood for cheese? That excuse has more holes than a slice this fine Gorgombert!
Joined: Mar 2003
In this new patch, when do you start getting civil skills and/or talents? At level 3 so far we have only been getting attribute and combat skill points and my girlfriend really wants to be able to talk to animals for some reason  Is it every fourth level for both?
jvb, royal dragon prince
Joined: Dec 2016
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to make a statement since I've finally had the time and patience to play Divinity: Original Sin and was actually very pleased with the game and story. Thanks for making such an awesome game.
And to get more on topic - The second installment seems like its going to be even better from what i can tell after beating the first "chapter"!
There are but two things I'm missing - an actual bugtracker ( I'm not a fan of forum based bugtracking ) - and a roadmap / statement for the alpha. ( Just checked the Kickstarter page for the game though )
Thanks for the awesome fun I've had until now!
Joined: Mar 2016
After playing DOS1, I really loved the combat system. I think I am hit or miss on DOS2, I think the concept of breaking through armor is a nice aspect, I think breaking through magic armor to put a simple debilitating spell on an enemy more annoying. It will definitely make the game more interesting, but I constantly forget that I cannot apply debuffs directly any more, especially touch based ones. I rely heavily on just brutally breaking down my opponents armor to deal physical damage to their health. I rarely see points where my team has gotten the chance to kill something with magic, when I do I can pretty much kill the enemy in one turn.
I am really hoping that we might see some more content or receive a tentative release date for the game. I'm a bit sad and I think my friends will be too, to find out we are almost done with chapter one already.
How many chapters are planned for the game? When will we get to test Undead?
I believe the combat in the game is pretty well polished, but there are some bugs that need to be worked out. They hearken back to the end of DOS1 where every move could mean winning or losing. While I don't like that the combat is pre-determined, it is still well done and challenging. I was not expecting beginning fights to be so challenging, but they really teach you that you should always come prepared and to save before every fight as different strategies can turn the tide in your favor.
Thanks for the fun so far!
Joined: Oct 2016
Oh boy, I almost can't believe that Larian has actually listened to our rants of months ago and decided to nerf 2W damage and boost shields, it really warms my heart to support them!
Joined: Jan 2017
does gog.com get these updates too or is it just steam? Also can gog.com users and steam users connect with each other? other than through direct connect or lan?
Last edited by Kaldric; 18/01/17 05:19 PM. Reason: extra question
Joined: Mar 2003
Yes, the GOG version is also updated, generally within a day of the Steam update (Steam allows developers direct access; GOG has an extra step involved). I don't think downloadable patches are created for Games In Development titles, so you'll either need to use Galaxy for updates, or download the updated full installer.
Joined: Jan 2017
I noticed a bug, sometimes when the character gets the burning status effect, the character, even if you use rain or other stuff the burning animation doesnt go away
Joined: Oct 2016
I noticed a bug, sometimes when the character gets the burning status effect, the character, even if you use rain or other stuff the burning animation doesnt go away Is it 'fire' or 'necrotic fire'? Necrotic fire is stronger and can't get eliminated like normal fire.
Joined: Jan 2017
its normal burning, It happened at the very beginning of the game like seriously was only lvl 1 when i t happened. the burning/fire animation wouldnt go away
Joined: Dec 2016
Can't necrotic fire happen in the first fight? The voidwoken drop cursed blood, right?
Joined: Oct 2016
Yes, it can happen during every fight with Voidwoken, the reason why they can be pretty dangerous in close combat.
Joined: Nov 2016
I don't think Voidwoken can climb ladders. That seemed to provide a pretty easy way of killing them in the swamp.
Joined: Jan 2017
It wasnt from void woken, they didnt even touch me, I was playing an archer and i use richochet before battle on them then aimed them down the turn after. they didnt have a chance to even touch me. besides it wasnt by a void woken i forgotten what enemy did it maybe it was fire that i walked through or something, so it may of been on my mage, cant remmeber properly
Joined: Oct 2016
They don't need to touch you. If you hit a voidwoken, they spread decay. Decay is highly flammable like poison and but turns fire into necrotic fire.
Joined: Jan 2017
it wasnt the void woken, I know that for sure. because it happened shortly after the town you get to. unless that ghoul thing screamin bout yarrow or something like that did it.
Joined: Dec 2016
Wait. Were you affected by the "warm" status by being in griff's kitchen? I know that one's the most obvious "red hot" animation and confused me for a while.
Joined: Jan 2017
no it wasnt warmth, I litterely had NO status effects on me, I had flames around me and even walked into the water nd it said 'wet' but the flames where still there around my body like the burning animation. Also something else that needs to be fixed, there's like litterly no direction of story, and side quests are hard to find out where to go due to lack of markers and such. just dunno if they havent gotten around to it or not