Im also doing just fine with a knight, a rogue, and two mages. Ive got 2x teleport (gloves and spell), 2x vit heal (spell and ring), 2x physical armor heal and 2x magic armor heal between them all. The rogue and knight do massive damage, the mages just kind of stand around and wait till something needs healing, occasionally CCing things that have no/little magic armor.

While this party setup is giving me no problems, its mainly due to the knight and rogue killing everything. Im feeling that a pure mage is actually not needed and inefficient in the game. Due to the way physical and magic armor work i cant even use my mages to finish off low health things the knight and rogue might have left behind, giving them bows would work better than them using wands, and im finding pumping int and the spell schools is really not a good return since the rejuvination on my non hydrosophist works just fine, and the physical armor heal my rogue has (elf, ate the head) also works just fine.

Another knight and maybe a bow user with 1 level in hydro, geo, and aero just to learn the teleport skill and all heals, and then focusing on ranged damage/huntsman would probably be far superior to an actual mage.

I feel like having a split party that has to go through physical and magic armor is just not efficient at all, maybe an all mage party would work out ok but the issue is the rogue and knight are so strong because they managed to find really good weapons. It could be maybe that mages are late bloomers but it really feels like physical damage with just a level of some magic schools for support spells are the way to go. If CC did not have to go through magic armor it would be different, mages could be lower damage but provide CC, at range and aoe, but currently my two handed warrior does close and medium range aoe CC just fine, and for longer ranges you have two people with teleport. No better way to deal with archers then to just teleport them in the same spot and let the knight slaughter them.

The one upside is that once i realized this i put shields on both my mages and now they are pretty good tanks... this all just seems totally backwards though.

Oh, i am raising wits enough that i always go first. I think this is critical

Last edited by zelpha; 07/02/17 02:25 AM.