Originally Posted by Kelsier

Frankly I doubt this. I don't know every nook and cranny of the system, but I'm still a veteran player - and it takes me hours.

-Create a char with Pet Pal (who doesn't love Pet pal?)
-Play to Fort Joy and get through the gate
-Get Lohse
-Do the Elves vs Thug
-Go get Ifan
-Go kill Sebille or stop her (I just kill)
-Give alcohol to Doctor Leste and talk about the potion. Heal the guy if needed since they say he also gives ton of exp for doing this on every character
-Go into the Elf Cave
-Play hide and seek, get into the Wither area

-Level 2. Level up Ifan sneak to 1

-Promise to help Wither
-Go outside, talk to buddy with pet pal, mention how you will help Emily (he will give you Buddy's Key anyway with most dialogue options)
-Go inside the secret passage, steal the prison key with sneak Ifan
-Go upstair.
-Go into the hound room, mention buddy, Easy exp
-Go into the Birdie cage room, talk to birdie, free Birdie, persuade (lizard easy persuasion), more exp and Houndmaster crossbow.
-Go inside Souljar secret area
-Break souljar
-Also has 15 wits on your ranger so you can get Bacchus legging for your fighter.

You're pretty much level 3 from only 3 fights (Help the elf, that one zombie and the 2 voidwokens) with a Houndmaster Crossbow ready for extremely easy early game because you always start every fight with 2 Houndmaster Shot (pre-battle and 1st turn) which does tons of damage. Grab snipe early, sneak, shoot, shoot houndmaster and you just start off every early game fight with nearly 100 damage. I start my game with Pyro-huntsman so I can have Haste as well and the 2nd turn I shoot will be a double crossbow shot. Look up my tip and trick to have thousands of gold asily in the early game. (And ends the game with like, 10k)

You can also try to push to level 4 by going into all of the secret areas like the Ancient sword, Frog cave, The kid hideout at the elf cave and the inner left cell with the skeleton using the Teleporter glove. Also use the "Pre-cast Teleport on Gawain" and drag him back to kill him to finish the quest without having to find his dead body for another easy thousand of exp.

Last edited by Ellezard; 08/02/17 08:40 AM.